← Return to Platelet-rich Plasma or Intermittent pneumatic compression therapy

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Hi Colleen. Yes I had already read most of them. Interesting that there isn't more commentary on Stem Cell, platlet rich plasma or infrared than there is. Understandably the therapies are still pretty much in their infancy and to some degree experimental but treatments also include nutrition and nitrous oxide production. My wife is in stage III and needs to do something. The traditional therapies did not work for her. Taking pills isn't working. I will continue to monitor the site. Hopefully there will be more input at some point by people who have had these newly developed treatment plans.

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Replies to "Hi Colleen. Yes I had already read most of them. Interesting that there isn't more commentary..."

Hi @tonino, You mentioned that you read most of the links @colleenyoung shared with you on the stem cell treatments for neuropathy. Did you happen to see my post in the discussion - Does Stem Cell Therapy work for Neuropathy that had my notes from a 2018 meeting of the Minnesota Neuropathy Association? We had a speaker that was deep into stem cell for neuropathy research and he shared what he knew and gave us links to all of the papers which sheds a lot of light and some hope on the topic along with why it's not ready for prime time yet. As far as I've read, nothing has changed and I've yet to read a successful treatment for neuropathy other than some hope if you have diabetic neuropathy. Sorry for being so wordy...here's the link to my post in that discussion.
-- https://connect.mayoclinic.org/comment/205651/