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@monafone We are not medical professionals or surgeons that post here on Mayo Clinic Connect. So we cannot answer specific questions about surgery. We do provide support and help people such as yourself with information and to look at all of the resources available.

Have you been diagnosed with vulvar cancer?

@bobette1, @wheaton , @ljchicago, @sillywabbit and @boxermomma have had experiences with vulvar cancer so they will have information for you based on their experiences.

Here is information from the American Cancer Society on surgery for vulvar cancer. This information points out that surgeons are very careful about the quality of life and sexual function in their patients. Have you talked with your doctor about this?

-- https://www.cancer.org/cancer/vulvar-cancer/treating/surgery.html

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Replies to "@monafone We are not medical professionals or surgeons that post here on Mayo Clinic Connect. So..."

What are your questions? I just had a vulvectomy a few weeks ago for vulvar cancer.

My tumor 3cm squamous cell carcinoma of the vulva along the upper left vulva with complete extension and invasion into the clitoris. had so it had to be removed during my surgery on 11/14/22…
partial radial vulvectomy surgery with bilateral inguinal sentinel lymph node mapping and biopsies, left inguinal lymphadenectomy. Let me know if you have any questions.