I have ovarian cancer

Posted by joannedb @joannedb, Jul 1, 2016

Hi I'm Joanne. New to this group and I have Ovarian Cancer. Looking to connect with others with OVC.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Gynecologic Cancers Support Group.

No, not that I know of. I was just making a comparison to a complete mastectomy for possible breast cancer to removing ovaries for possible ovarian cancer.


Have a pretty big mass on my ovary, getting referred to NMC to get an MRI done, went to get blood drawn for CA125 test. I’m really scared it could be ovarian cancer (Surgeon who referred me thinks it’s ovarian cancer) I’m really bloated, have abdominal discomfort as well as nausea. I would appreciate it if Anyone with ovarian cancer could share their symptoms/diagnosis/treatment. I’m really scared


Have a pretty big mass on my ovary, getting referred to NMC to get an MRI done, went to get blood drawn for CA125 test. I’m really scared it could be ovarian cancer (Surgeon who referred me thinks it’s ovarian cancer) I’m really bloated, have abdominal discomfort as well as nausea. I would appreciate it if Anyone with ovarian cancer could share their symptoms/diagnosis/treatment. I’m really scared

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Hello @jazzel and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Being scared is very understandable, and a great reason to reach out to others for support. Glad you've joined.

Members such as @cbaird and @hoffie have shared there experience with ovarian cancer and may be able to share more with you on their respective symptoms.

When is your MRI scheduled for?


Hello @jazzel and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Being scared is very understandable, and a great reason to reach out to others for support. Glad you've joined.

Members such as @cbaird and @hoffie have shared there experience with ovarian cancer and may be able to share more with you on their respective symptoms.

When is your MRI scheduled for?

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Thank you I appreciate your help!


Have a pretty big mass on my ovary, getting referred to NMC to get an MRI done, went to get blood drawn for CA125 test. I’m really scared it could be ovarian cancer (Surgeon who referred me thinks it’s ovarian cancer) I’m really bloated, have abdominal discomfort as well as nausea. I would appreciate it if Anyone with ovarian cancer could share their symptoms/diagnosis/treatment. I’m really scared

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These were my symptoms before diagnosis: bloating, indigestion, constipation, and other signs. It was a CT scan that confirmed ovarian cancer. Had chemotherapy, then surgery. Now on my third round of chemo. Unfortunately this cancer spreads and comes back, even after removal of ovaries and uterus


These were my symptoms before diagnosis: bloating, indigestion, constipation, and other signs. It was a CT scan that confirmed ovarian cancer. Had chemotherapy, then surgery. Now on my third round of chemo. Unfortunately this cancer spreads and comes back, even after removal of ovaries and uterus

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I’ve only had an ultrasound done, and from that I was told where it was and that it was pretty large, my biggest fear is that it has spread. Thank you for sharing your symptoms with me. I keep telling myself not to worry but it’s all I think about.


Hello @jazzel and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Being scared is very understandable, and a great reason to reach out to others for support. Glad you've joined.

Members such as @cbaird and @hoffie have shared there experience with ovarian cancer and may be able to share more with you on their respective symptoms.

When is your MRI scheduled for?

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I worked at the NMC and you are in good hands.
Be positive in pursing the recommendations.
I am not a nurse but a retired therapist, so medically
I cannot recommend.
Prayers for you and hopeful positive reports on your MRI.


Hi, I'm Ruth, and just got results from my CT Scan that says peritoneal, omental and serosal carcinomatosis most likely ovarian origin. I can't get in to see oncologist for another 2 weeks. I'm stunned. Scared. Husband and I still trying to process this information... glad to reach out to anyone who knows what this is like. Internet information is grim


Hi, I'm Ruth, and just got results from my CT Scan that says peritoneal, omental and serosal carcinomatosis most likely ovarian origin. I can't get in to see oncologist for another 2 weeks. I'm stunned. Scared. Husband and I still trying to process this information... glad to reach out to anyone who knows what this is like. Internet information is grim

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I have had Ovarian Cancer 3 times. I taught 3re year medical students about Ovarian Cancer. The first thing to do is get a CA125 blood test. The oncologist you see needs to be a gynecologic oncologist (gynecologist). Are you have any symptoms? Bloating, Pelvic or Abdominal Pain, Urinating frequently, Difficulty eating or feeling full quickly?


Thank you! What's your name? Wow - three times, but you're still doing OK? Yes, I'm seeing a gynecologic oncologist next week, and absolutely all the symptoms you describe - the bloating is the most difficult, I look pregnant, and the pressure is terrible. Pelvic pain like bad menstrual cramps. Peeing CONSTANTLY, and not always able to stop the flow in time. I get hungry, but am definitely eating less, yet gaining weight. I've put on 4-5 pounds this month, but I'm guessing that's the ascites. Mostly I'm terrified of what lies ahead. I don't handle pain well, and I know there's a lot of it in store for me. Has this forum been helpful to you?

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