← Return to Has anyone had any recovery from months of long Covid brain fog?

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I definitely understand how you feel. I got covid Aug 2021 my brain fog was awful. After doing my own research on any relief I found a journal of repurposing meds for long covid. Cymbalta was one I asked my dr if I can try it. I did and within a day or two my body felt great no more pain or burning. Then I went on to try low dose naltrexone 1mg. I’ve been on it for a month now and my brain fog has just about completely gone away like90% after only taking it for a week. I will be going up to 2mg this week. I hope this is helpful. These meds have given me my life back after a year of long covid symptoms. I am also using inspiratory and expiratory devices to strengthen my lungs as my breathing was compromised that were recommended at my physical therapy office. I have a post covid therapist that has been very helpful and an online zoom long covid support group that’s helpful too, makes you feel less alone. I’m happy to help if you have any questions. -Laura

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Replies to "I definitely understand how you feel. I got covid Aug 2021 my brain fog was awful...."

I'm so happy for you.