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Hi all, I am a 32yo male diagnosed with anti phospholipid disorder. I'm currently on tricagelor which is a anti-platelet blood thinner. They now want to start warfarin on me. I can't take aspirin as I've a nsaids group disorder. And plavix don't work for me. Looking forward for great discussions to this.

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Replies to "Hi all, I am a 32yo male diagnosed with anti phospholipid disorder. I'm currently on tricagelor..."

My Hematologist put me on warfarin a few years now .With warfarin you have to be on a consistent diet.Balancing my vitamin K is quite rough for me but I tried to be consistent.Have you seen an Anticoagulant specialist.Mine monitor my INR weekly.I also see a Rheumatologist.Hope this info can help you .Good luck

Welcome, @perematharanseridaran.
Are you concerned about starting warfarin?