One year after Mastectomy. What next?

Posted by gbnana @gbnana, Nov 20, 2022

My Cancerversary is almost here. I find myself very stressed over the last few months thinking everything odd feeling means cancer has recurred.
I was Triplenegative and cancer team suggested because of my age (71) chemo/radiation would be too hard for me to get through, so I agreed and have had no treatment other than mastectomy of one breast.
I have a family doc appt this week to discuss this worry I have. Suggestions of what I should ask for re: screening for recurrence would be appreciated.
Current symptoms worrying me:
1.Frequent extreme hot flashes during day and night sweating
2.Lower back pain worsening making walking and even standing difficult.
3.Breathing while laying down feels slightly impaired but ok when up.
4.Sleeping too much... that is all I want to do each day(already being treated for years with depression, hypothyroid, sleep apnea)
Advice/suggestions please and thankyou for reading all of this

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I am hoping you get some good news Nov 23. PETscans seem to give a really good picture of whats happening.
Knowing what is happening in our bodies is better than stress and anxiety of wondering.
Where I live PET scans are not considered helpful. I will now have to search for a private clinic as I wnt one done.
Good wishes to you

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Thank you so much for your thoughts. bemar1223


Results of my discussion with family doc yesterday.
No PET scan...instead
Blood workrequired
Chest xray
Referred me back to oncologist who told me all followup was done by family doc. Family doc disagrees

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@gbnana I was also referred back to PCP by my oncologist. x-ray showed only mild degeneration in hip, and PT says it is soft tissue, but I have my doubts. Pain continues and radiates from one spot.

I am going to to through hoops like PT and then will press for more imaging. Bloodwork seems like a good idea but my oncologist does not do those. If this goes on, there is a different oncologist I can see who does do bloodwork,

I never expected to make it 8 years. I have not been nervous- cancer on back burner with kid whose health is my priority. But pain signals a problem I need to pay attention to and pain needs to be addressed. Good luck!


I ended treatment for breast cancer one year ago. I had a lumpectomy, radiation and chemo. I was targeted with Herceptin because I was HER2+. My hair came back quickly. It was a waste of time buying wigs and scarves,

Recently my radiologist asked me if I had any pain and I said I had what felt like arthritis in my hip. She had me take 3 MRI's. (I have a good Medicare supplement.) It showed a few inflamed looking spots that my oncologist didn't think were cancer, but I am getting a CT scan next. He also felt it's arthritis. I understand breast cancer normally spreads to the femur first, not to the back.

I'm 81 years old and other than some neuropathy in my feet from the chemo and that keeps me from driving now, I feel good. I don't take anti-estrogen drugs. I see the oncologist again in 6 months.

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I was diagnosed at 60 and am now 64. I also have a slight pain in my back, in my lower left hip which I feel is arthritis as it comes and goes.

I also had a lumpectomy, chemo, Herceptin and Perjeta as well as radiation. I’m on an AI too. I guess I ordered off the entire menu. 🤷🏻‍♀️

I’ll be interested to know what your CT scan reads. Please keep us posted if you can. 🙏♥️🙏


My CT scan was cancelled the morning I was to have it as they didn't have enough contrast to put in the IV. After I starved myself the day before! It's scheduled again for after Thanksgiving and I will let you know.
I was taking hormones right up to the time I got the cancer, so I think that might have caused it.
I had no relatives who have had cancer except a Grandma who had cancer of the cervix found on an autopsy.


My CT scan was cancelled the morning I was to have it as they didn't have enough contrast to put in the IV. After I starved myself the day before! It's scheduled again for after Thanksgiving and I will let you know.
I was taking hormones right up to the time I got the cancer, so I think that might have caused it.
I had no relatives who have had cancer except a Grandma who had cancer of the cervix found on an autopsy.

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@raebaby -
Apparently there is a general shortage of CT contrast material.
I was supposed to have had CT abdomen with contrast and got one without. The radiology department rations it to those who need it most!! I was not happy.


That's very interesting (weird too.) thanks for telling me. I wonder what will happen on my next attempt?


Do you ladies recommend a CT scan or PET scan in my case? Diagnosed with breast cancer in August and had the unilateral mastectomy on November 14th. I never did one of those scans. My sister's oncologist recommends one, but my surgeon never recommended.


Do you ladies recommend a CT scan or PET scan in my case? Diagnosed with breast cancer in August and had the unilateral mastectomy on November 14th. I never did one of those scans. My sister's oncologist recommends one, but my surgeon never recommended.

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How did your sister's cancer differ from yours? Why would you have a CT or PET? I never had one either and I am 8 years out.

Unfortunately uncertainty seems to be something we all live with.

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