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Hi, stage 4 colorectal cancer here

Colorectal Cancer | Last Active: Aug 3, 2023 | Replies (101)

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Dear Colca, my husband was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer which started with a decal mass tumor. We met with gastroenterologist surgeon who was tops and after speaking we had operation to remove the mass.
We then started chemotherapy with irinotecan, avastin bev etc.
I know you are scared and afraid but the most important for you is to be strong for your husband and yourself. Do not let fear cloud your thinking in not asking lots of questions from your oncologist. I don’t know where you are going for treatment, but always ask questions .
Lab work is always important especially cea which your oncologist will explain. Things in the area of cancer treatments change constantly.
Make sure your liver oncologist provides you with as much information as possible.
Ask about the neuropathy side effects of the treatment you receive or will receive.
After a while the chemo would not work, and then we went on a pill which he took morning and evening which is expensive, but many states offer these at no charge to patients. Will try to remember the name…this afforded us time to come home to Greece…all went well .
Other options you should look at are immunotherapy, which we did not have.
I also spoke to liver surgeon about treatment but our case was not treatable. We did upon recommendation of our liver oncologist Y90 therapy with radiation beads placed on both lobes of the liver, at different times. Before hand we had a superb surgeon who did liver mapping so that the radiology department could perform the treatment placing radioactive beads in the liver.
Finally we ended with Lonsurf pills …
In this journey there are always side effects which you will encounter and you must be ready to meet them with testing and meds.
There are new methods being tried and as I said to my oncologist, cancer speaks different language in people and it changes direction fast.
Diet plays an important part, we are Greek so we cooked Mediterranean diet snd foods with Greek olive oil always.
Again I do not know where you are in USA , for there are many university hospitals with specialists who are top notch. Always research your options carefully and again ask ask many questions, and what options are open for you.
Always be prepared for everything, and when with your husband be strong, brave, fill your days with love and caring. I never stopped prayers 27 every night to our Holy Mother for healing.
Any time write and I will be here to help in whatever way I can.
I still keep in touch with our doctors at John’s Hopkins and truly the staff, the doctors, the nurses, the triage unit were fantastic and they always remarked about the love we had for each other.
My husband was the bravest soul who endured all treatments with bravery , courage and humour ..
With all my love and prayers to you both.

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Replies to "Dear Colca, my husband was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer which started with a decal..."

Thankyou Yannis. I live in India. We met with several oncologists before choosing our doctor. The oncologist is encouraging and says one survives on hope. The gastroenterologist however, who did a laprascopic investigation last month painted a grim picture. He said there were 10 to 12 nodules too small to show up on the pet CT in the pelvis and lower abdomen. Mymind wants to believe he is a pessimist. He was the doctor who operated on my husband in July 21 and after 9 and a half hrs in the OT working on my husband,popped out and said I give him 2 yrs. Immunotherapy apart from the formidable costs will not work on him due to some mutations. He has to work his way through four more cycles of folfiri/Bevacizumab and then we will know where we stand. My main anxiety is the suffering that lies ahead and how to cope as the disease progresses and the suffering that comes with it.What I have understood is he is beyond cure. Thankyou so much for your caring response and prayers. What I need is strength to cope with his suffering