← Return to Post-Covid dizziness/off-balance, as most troubling symptom

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Thank you. I was unable to be admitted at the peak of my Covid because my SpO2 was not low enough. Didn’t even qualify for home health care because you had to first be seen by a physician, and my physician’s office would not see me. Great system.
This is certainly a “journey back” to be as well as we can possibly be.
I am a retired oral surgeon, and have taken my BP on many “fatigue” episodes, but pretty much stays consistent. Early on, an echocardiogram revealed me to be in “congestive” heart failure and sinus tachycardia. No a-fib. My new cardiologist had changed the meds I had been taking successfully for years, next thing I knew I was in Baptist hospital coronary care unit for 3 days. Cardiac cath revealed arteries more healthy than the should have been. Discharged with cardiomyopathy diagnosis, that was reversed almost immediately when put back on my original meds. Heart failure subsided.
So much we don’t know.
Continue taking care of yourself.

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Replies to "Thank you. I was unable to be admitted at the peak of my Covid because my..."

I've been extremely worried about congestive heart failure. The sweating chest pain fatigue and everything else would match the symptoms no one to go to for help though. I don't care much for me I care cause it angers me that people are being left and treated so terribly none of us even will go to the hospitals here now. It's more like a quick stop for desperate tourists who don't know to stay away from that evil place