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I'm not sure as I've never been diagnosed as I always present as a perfectly healthy person despite my complaints of cognitive, memory, and digestive issues. I did have good luck with this list:


I personally take loratadine (claritin), quercetin, and vitamin D daily. Between that and, basic well wellness through a healthy diet, exercise, and sleep, I've managed to keep it under control. When I do react to a food, I'm very quick to identify and remove the offending food for a few months as it rarely becomes a permanent allergy.

Lawrence B. Afrin, MD has a book on Amazon. He has been an vocal advocate for people with MCAS, and I believe MCAS is major component of the Long Covid.

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Replies to "I'm not sure as I've never been diagnosed as I always present as a perfectly healthy..."

Kurt G, thank you so much for the link and for steering me to the book by Dr. Afrin. I will go to Amazon right NOW!

FWIW (For What It's Worth), you may want to add Bromelain to your regimen since it makes Quercetin more bioavailable. In fact, Vitacost.com sells a capsule that is a combo of Quercetin and Bromelain.

Like you, via natural supplements, I am 100% back to normal for about four months now. Like you, I take one Claritin (10 mg Loratadine) per day. Period.

Now, the sleep? STILL struggling with raging insomnia. But that's another topic. Being a health nut on zero prescriptions, I've added GAGA, L-Tryptophan and 10 mg time release Melatonin to my evening regimen. Recently added Glycine, also. Gave up on the herbals. Used them without fail for months and enjoyed zero benefits.

Staying hopeful...