Anyone else have a Redundant / Tortuous Colon?

Posted by onaquest @onaquest, Nov 7, 2018

Hello. Anyone else out there that has a redundant/ tortured colon? I was diagnosed with this a few years ago. I’m usually ok, but if I get constipated, I get sick for a week or two. Last year my gastroenterologist referred me to a surgeon for urgent surgery to remove some of my colon. The surgeon I ended up seeing (not on the recommended list by my gastro doc due to others not available for a long time) said he believed I could live with the redundant colon if I followed a low FODMAP diet. I tried the diet religiously, scientifically (I’m a scientist), and I found it’s not the food I eat that causes these bouts of constipation. The only item I’ve found that might cause the bouts is coffee every day. An occasional coffee seems fine. What has helped me stay regular in a big way is Benefiber (or any pure wheat dextrose generic) three times per day. Lots of fluid.

My gastro doc was upset with the surgeon and said I’d regret not having the surgery. He fears I will end up in an emergency situation. I have searched the Mayo site and don’t find anything about redundant/ tortured colon. Are any Mayo docs doing research or treat this condition? Anyone else suffer from this too?
Thank you! -Jayne

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Hi kiszo,
Sorry you also have this problem😢 I highly recommend you have a Bowel Transit Study done. It's an easy procedure, inexpensive and you will learn the shape of your colon - great to know where to do colon massage and the x-rays will show up any obstructions.
Molaxole is the most gentle laxative I've had in 35 years of this constipation problem. Apparently it has electrolytes in it which has to be good for you.
Wishing you all the best💞

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Thank you! I will definitely check into having a Bowel Transit Study!


Individual, of course, but lots of fiber is not always best. I would increase gradually. Fiber can get “stuck” in the twists and turns as it is slow or doesn’t fully digest when reaching the colon. Research soluble vs insoluble fiber as that is a big difference. Again, very individual and you do what is best and works for “you”.


I just had my colonoscopy yesterday and was told the procedure was difficult due to significantly tortuous colon. That's it, they didn't say anything else about it, offer suggestions on how to deal with it, nothing. I did also have 2 polyps removed and they noted multiple diverticula throughout my colon. They did recommend my next scope happen in 3 years or sooner depending on the pathology report.
This was not the case with my last colonoscopy 5 years ago so the tortuous colon has developed over that time. In the last year or two I have had issues with constipation, bloating, gas, discomfort and weight gain. I am very concerned about the possibility of obstruction and committed to finding the best ways deal with this condition and reduce symptoms.
My thanks to all those sharing tips for what works best for you. I already drink lots of tea but plan to switch to plain water, add more fruits and vegetables, and possibly Benefiber to see if that helps.

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I had the exact same diagnosis after my last colonoscopy two years ago. Never even spoke to the doctor after the procedure.I do have issues with occasional cramping. I have found that Metamucil and a cup of coffee in the morning works for me, but I never had a issue with constipation yet. In fact the opposite occasionally, not diarrhea but three to four bowel movements a day.


I had the exact same diagnosis after my last colonoscopy two years ago. Never even spoke to the doctor after the procedure.I do have issues with occasional cramping. I have found that Metamucil and a cup of coffee in the morning works for me, but I never had a issue with constipation yet. In fact the opposite occasionally, not diarrhea but three to four bowel movements a day.

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Over the past year or so I've had issues with being gassy, bloated and often constipation. I had attributed the gas and bloating to menopause. There are times when I go once a day and others we I will go up to 4 days before finally having a bowel movement. I had already started drinking a tea called smooth move that has a gentle laxative effect that seems to keep me a bit more regular.


My gastro doctor has recommended I have a bowel resection due to chronic bouts of diverticulitis and diverticulosis. The last bout I had left me badly inflamed and in pain and tenderness long after the infection had cleared. I am hopeful this intervention will rectify this problem, which is a by product of my redundant colon. Anyone out there had bowel resection surgery?


I’ve been on this site awhile and always responded to posts. However, I cannot for the life of me figure out how to start a new post. Anyone give me advice?


I have redundant colon and IBS. I am having a big problem with my running program. After just a couple blocks I have to run back to the house to go to the bathroom. Sometimes I don’t make it! Very embarrassing! I am taking Benefiber and probiotics and nothing seems to help. Any ideas?


I saw a colo-rectal surgeon on Friday. The surgeon I was scheduled to see on Dec 7, cancelled me for the third time and wanted to move me to Dec 28. Or I was given the option to see a colleague. It turned out to be a blessing in disguise. She had an opening two days later and I absolutely loved her!
The apt did not go at all as I
expected. She reviewed all my records, all my testing and asked a ton of questions. She also did an ahem, exam. She felt I had multiple things going on. My transit study showed slow motility from stomach through
Colon, with colon at 86 hours. Extremely slow. She feels bowel is big problem and stool is getting hung up in multiple locations. Nothing to do with tortuous colon. Everything to
do with motility. Second. Pelvic floor dysfunction. My brain is not communicating appropriate signals to PF to move stool out. Also, levator muscle pain also related to pelvic floor.
Options. Bowel Marker Test. 5 days of X-rays to determine where bowel isn’t functioning correctly. Problem. No drugs 7
days before and 5 days during me and I would be in misery. I pass. Defecating MRI would show exactly how my PF is working or not. Not too unpleasant. Pelvic Floor Therapy. Though I’ve done locally in past, not type she wants. Ileostomy. No removal of colon. Great candidate. I’m thin, no prior major abdominal surgeries, active. She could give me a great stoma in an unobtrusive location. But doesn’t think I’m to that point yet. Decide what I want to do.
I decide to have the MRI (😬), looking into having right PF therapy locally. And putting together all my questions for possible surgery at some point. It could always be reversed. She said the gi I’m seeing is the best so I’ll continue working with him on meds. Sorry so long but it was a lot of information. Hope maybe some could help some of you.


My gastro doctor has recommended I have a bowel resection due to chronic bouts of diverticulitis and diverticulosis. The last bout I had left me badly inflamed and in pain and tenderness long after the infection had cleared. I am hopeful this intervention will rectify this problem, which is a by product of my redundant colon. Anyone out there had bowel resection surgery?

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I am adding here some coping strategies which I hope will be useful for others:

Drink a full bottle of water in the am upon awakening. This flushes me out in about 10 minutes.

Take 1-2 T of virgin olive oil at night before bed. This is a natural laxative which works well.

Peppermint gel caps are a natural antispasmodic. I take two in the am and pm. No side effects.

Ice packs help quell diverticulitis pain better than heat. Calms the internal inflammation.

Eat smaller portions. Watch high fiber foods until you are healed.

Pray fervently for your insides to be cleansed and restored to good health.

Hope this helps someone.


I’ve been on this site awhile and always responded to posts. However, I cannot for the life of me figure out how to start a new post. Anyone give me advice?

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