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Arachnoid Cyst

Spine Health | Last Active: 4 days ago | Replies (234)

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Hi. My name is Maria. Quick History. My had 4 strokes. As my result I have only 3 seizures, 8 TIAs, and I do not have paralyze. I have cognitive issues. My memory feels confusing if recent but not from a long time ago. I also have 4 aneurysms 2 on Rt ICA aneurysm behind ear and right rear lobe of brain. I has also have also 1 Lt ICA aneurysm behind left ear and one in on the Frontal right lobe of brain.
MY Problem: I call it my Shame its embarrassing . Since the first stroke, I have losing my comment sense. I do am I am feeling like i don't know answer comment sense questions or understand and i can't keep a job. I have also I'm have also feeling like everything is scattered and i have also I'm have also don't know how to organize or prioritize. I have also I'm have also this weird Vibration in my brain and behind and being my ears that bother me for 2 or is it 3 weeks. My days get so mixed. But I still can cook and sing and I rare and rarely sleeping i scare myself cause I'm scared my self i will have a stroke in my sleep the nightmares bad.
I feel am I am feeling cry a lot and depressed and unworthy. I have not I'm have not long distance walk ski run swim hike bungee i can't myself i can not anymore. I don't tell my my friends i don't tell because some joke about my memory and comments at me like funny weird why they i'm so great to funny make them laugh. But I don't like and frustrated and don't want tell them. I need help.

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Replies to "Hi. My name is Maria. Quick History. My had 4 strokes. As my result I have..."

Hello Maria, Welcome to Mayo Connect. I see that you are new here, so I will explain that how Connect is arranged.
Our discussion groups are by topic, and people who have a certain condition meet there and can chat and help each other. You wrote that you have had several strokes, seizures and TIA's and these have caused you to have communication and memory problems.
This is not something to be embarrassed or ashamed about - it is a medical condition.
There are some people on Connect who have recently had strokes and are dealing with the results, you can reach them by clicking this link and making a post:
Is there anything I can do to help you find what you need here?