Convulsions after fainting.

Posted by artist01 @artist01, Sep 20, 2022

Has anyone with Crohns experienced syncope followed by convulsions? (Not seizures. I don't lose conscience. )

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Oh my goodness, Laurie SNAP! I am just home after being ambo'd to the city hospital yesterday morning due to being bunged up & having the worst colon pain ever! It eventually settled down with more morphine & Fentanyl - a new drug to me.
I am sorry you got so ill on the med. you were given😩 Is it another one that needs added to your allergic list? The seizures you're having must be so scary! Glad they've seen them first hand as they'd probably be difficult to describe, are they? Also so pleased for you they've ruled out epilepsy👍
Do you have existing nerve pain in lower abdomen area? I do, have from an old spinal injury and sometimes when coughing whilst sitting, I get a weird sensation come over me & get hot & cold sweats, a bit light headed and my arms & legs jerk & twitch and get sharp nerve pain & tingles travelling down my legs to my feet - which are well n truly knackered from 35 yrs of Rheumatoid.
I had some more of those gorgeous pix taken yesterday 😍 lol. My inners sure are a sight to behold😂 I show them to every Dr & nurse who is interested.
The radiographer in charge was compassionate enough to come and tell me on the quiet that my x-rays showed I needed other imaging done, like a CT, and if not done last night, one of the specialists I see should be referring me for it soon.

I had quite an argument with a young Dr in A&E who thought he knew it all so I whipped out my images & told him to go and look at the images in my file rather than just reading a two or three report, which in my mind, minimises my problem.
He did so and came back with a better attitude - saying he could see the Diverticulitis on the 2015 colonography and it should indeed have been noted on my records. He is writing to my surgeon and recommending I have a CT before surgery and perhaps rethink the procedure I need - maybe a resection, or a stoma, rather than a total colectomy and an anastomosis.
I've had more than enough years of living with dribbly bum & fear of not being able to get to a loo quick enuff when I'm out, keeping me housebound! If I can have a CT done at the hosp. we won't have to spend precious $thousands on having a colonoscopy done in the private sector.

I truly hope you don't have to wait too long for your CT. Hopefully we'll both get some answers soon.
Hope your feeling better and resting up. 🥰🥰


Oh my goodness, Laurie SNAP! I am just home after being ambo'd to the city hospital yesterday morning due to being bunged up & having the worst colon pain ever! It eventually settled down with more morphine & Fentanyl - a new drug to me.
I am sorry you got so ill on the med. you were given😩 Is it another one that needs added to your allergic list? The seizures you're having must be so scary! Glad they've seen them first hand as they'd probably be difficult to describe, are they? Also so pleased for you they've ruled out epilepsy👍
Do you have existing nerve pain in lower abdomen area? I do, have from an old spinal injury and sometimes when coughing whilst sitting, I get a weird sensation come over me & get hot & cold sweats, a bit light headed and my arms & legs jerk & twitch and get sharp nerve pain & tingles travelling down my legs to my feet - which are well n truly knackered from 35 yrs of Rheumatoid.
I had some more of those gorgeous pix taken yesterday 😍 lol. My inners sure are a sight to behold😂 I show them to every Dr & nurse who is interested.
The radiographer in charge was compassionate enough to come and tell me on the quiet that my x-rays showed I needed other imaging done, like a CT, and if not done last night, one of the specialists I see should be referring me for it soon.

I had quite an argument with a young Dr in A&E who thought he knew it all so I whipped out my images & told him to go and look at the images in my file rather than just reading a two or three report, which in my mind, minimises my problem.
He did so and came back with a better attitude - saying he could see the Diverticulitis on the 2015 colonography and it should indeed have been noted on my records. He is writing to my surgeon and recommending I have a CT before surgery and perhaps rethink the procedure I need - maybe a resection, or a stoma, rather than a total colectomy and an anastomosis.
I've had more than enough years of living with dribbly bum & fear of not being able to get to a loo quick enuff when I'm out, keeping me housebound! If I can have a CT done at the hosp. we won't have to spend precious $thousands on having a colonoscopy done in the private sector.

I truly hope you don't have to wait too long for your CT. Hopefully we'll both get some answers soon.
Hope your feeling better and resting up. 🥰🥰

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Hello again, Anne. Thanks for the update on this journey we call Life. Gosh, I'm very empathetic with your latest ambulance trip, and bravo in standing up for yourself to bring that dismissive doc current on your chart(s)! I had the same experience with a dismissive nurse or two at my hospital. I have the unfortunate "luck" of looking 25 years younger than I am and as Rodney Dangerfield would say, "I don't get no respect" when the little old lady in the next bed is fawned over and coddled and I'M THE SAME AGE!! Hahaha.
It sounds like things turned out for the best for you eventually though as far as things moving forward in a much better and more scientific way.
My lunch time is upon me just now so I have to go, but I do have some hopeful news to relate regarding an actual diagnosis. More later...
Keep the faith, kid. We'll get through this.


Screenshot of my tortuous colon via a Colonography I had in Sept 2015. The Report only stated a collapsed area in descending Colon.
And a screenshot of the plain x-ray taken on day 7 of the Bowel Transit Study, I had in June 2021. The wee circles you see are radiopaque markers which come in lots of 10 sealed in gel capsules and taken one capsule per day. The last capsule has 6 rectangle shaped markers - 66 radiopaque markers in total.
Normal diet & no laxatives during study. Only '1' tiny marker made it through the obstruction that is at my splenic flexure. For years I'd been repeatedly told by the head colorectal surgeon at my local hospital that I did not have an obstruction and did not fit the criteria to have a colonoscopy.
I've never stopped looking for answers and had some private consults with some womens health physio's and it was the head lecturer of the School of Physio whom after a number of examinations suggested in 2018 I did indeed have an obstruction in my descending colon.
It causes me much pain & problems as you can imagine.

If anyone else has x-rays of their tortuous colon I'd love to see you share them.

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Hiya my fellow sufferers,
I had my colonoscopy done on the 2nd as planned. I knew the pain was going to be excruciating as any internal examinations or procedures done in the anus or vagina, have been that way for many years. Nerve damage from back injury.

I asked the Dr for less sedation & more painkiller until I saw the scope go through what I have always claimed is the obstructed area - the splenic flexure.
What I saw on the screen was astonishing and I will never forget it! The Dr used air pressure to loosen a problem bit and suddenly what looked like a one red page, then one black page concertina paged book rose up and started opening up and taking off in front of the camera all the while feeling the weird pressure of it all happening under my ribs!
It took a bit of processing I tell you, but I was looking at perfect squares of very tightly packed down colon - hard squares that had dried out from not having seen the inside of my colon or had any moisture on them for god only knows how long!
The pain became too much soon after and I was given v heavy sedation. I only recall seeing the caecum and the transverse which looked to be in good working condition.
Unbelievably, later the Dr denies that I had/have an obstruction😳 at the splenic flexure or a stricture in my descending colon - wtf! He will not provide me with pix of that particular area. He has confirmed that I have Diverticular in my sigmoid - nasty by the look of it. How bad I asked and he said they don't count them!
I know there is a lot of arsecovering going on in the colorectal dept at the hospital over the many misdiagnoses and denying I had Diverticulitis many times over the 12 yrs I've been on their books. But, I did expect the Head of Gastroenterology would show some integrity. He would not provide me with a copy of the procedure and cherry picked a few pix for me to take home.
Getting factual information from medical professionals about my own body is proving very difficult and expensive 😩
For about 10 days after the colonoscopy I was delighted to be producing normal stools 💩 and farting freely! Pencil slim stools, but otherwise normal!
I've been feeling my descending colon moving back to its cosy old place - almost completed now & I'm back to needing Molaxole, the odd Bisacodyl and going through my acrobatics & huffing & puffing.
I have taken some advice from a Patient Advocate woman and written to the Dr using the Privacy Act requesting all and any imaging and paperwork.

$2,700 and just a written diagnosis of Diverticular in Sigmoid & stating the rest of the colon was normal, and a few pix - some that look anything but normal!
I'm on the hunt now for an up to date Colonography - they're much cheaper, from a place that will allow me to leave the building with a copy of it - unlike in 2015!
I'm leaving no stone unturned before having the suggested total Colectomy.
If anyone is interested in seeing the still pix of colonoscopy pls feel free to ask🙂😌


I know there was another lady having a colonoscopy the same day as me. I'm unable to find her post but I hope all went well for her💞 She may have been having an endoscopy the same day.

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