Setback in my diagnosis: Stage 2 changed to stage 3

Posted by sjw6358 @sjw6358, Nov 16, 2022

yesterday i received news that my pet scan shows a small nodule in my lung and a suv3 gastrohepatic lymph instead of stage 2 i guess that means i am at stage 3...i am scheduled for a cat scan on my lung tomorrow...i start radiation therapy this coming monday 11/21 and oncologist said treatment program for me still the same...i do not like surprises so i am kinda bummed

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sorry-i do not like surprises so i am bummed-i guess it is the fear of the unknown


@sjw6358, no one likes those kinds of surprises. I can just imagine that you braced yourself to take on this fight with cancer and it gave you a sucker punch. Not fair.

It sounds like you don't have to make any adjustments at this time as you prepare for radiation treatment. The CT scan will presumably confirm whether any changes or additional treatments will be considred after radiation.

I'm tagging fellow members like @survivorsuz @naomicanada @rikardlykling @ajfromchicago @kissingrhino @esop @socalkelly @mcmuck29 because I'm sure they'll want to hear about this new development and offer their support.

All the best with the lung CT scan. I'll be interested to hear what you learn.


Pet are not 100%

Ask for immunotherapy

The nodule in your lung is malin? Is this a metastasis?

It’s a step back but look forward.

Ask for clinical trial also ! Keep us updated.

My mom was stage 2 but at surgery the pathologist said 1 small lymph node was + but very very small to tumor so they said it’s not “consider” metastasis.

She is now on immunotherapy and is PDL1 + so chances are it will be working


@sjw6358, no one likes those kinds of surprises. I can just imagine that you braced yourself to take on this fight with cancer and it gave you a sucker punch. Not fair.

It sounds like you don't have to make any adjustments at this time as you prepare for radiation treatment. The CT scan will presumably confirm whether any changes or additional treatments will be considred after radiation.

I'm tagging fellow members like @survivorsuz @naomicanada @rikardlykling @ajfromchicago @kissingrhino @esop @socalkelly @mcmuck29 because I'm sure they'll want to hear about this new development and offer their support.

All the best with the lung CT scan. I'll be interested to hear what you learn.

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yes, it was like a punch in the nose...the thing was that i got myself almost to the point of accepting the stage 2 and now this??? day 2 and i am still in denial...THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT


Pet are not 100%

Ask for immunotherapy

The nodule in your lung is malin? Is this a metastasis?

It’s a step back but look forward.

Ask for clinical trial also ! Keep us updated.

My mom was stage 2 but at surgery the pathologist said 1 small lymph node was + but very very small to tumor so they said it’s not “consider” metastasis.

She is now on immunotherapy and is PDL1 + so chances are it will be working

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yes i asked for immunotherapy and discussed briefly with oncologist...also he stated he would be searching for a clinical trial...i would think that if the cat scan verifies .7 cm nodule that perhaps they would biopsy...trying to take everything one step at a is hard today! THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!


yes i asked for immunotherapy and discussed briefly with oncologist...also he stated he would be searching for a clinical trial...i would think that if the cat scan verifies .7 cm nodule that perhaps they would biopsy...trying to take everything one step at a is hard today! THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!

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There are some really really good response to immunotherapy. Ask if the cell are PDL1 + or for other markers….
You have to trust you will be ok. It’s a journey but you are here to fight it and your team will find the right treatment.
It’s also mental I believe.
We are here all together


I also think Keto diet could be helping look into it


@sjw6358, no one likes those kinds of surprises. I can just imagine that you braced yourself to take on this fight with cancer and it gave you a sucker punch. Not fair.

It sounds like you don't have to make any adjustments at this time as you prepare for radiation treatment. The CT scan will presumably confirm whether any changes or additional treatments will be considred after radiation.

I'm tagging fellow members like @survivorsuz @naomicanada @rikardlykling @ajfromchicago @kissingrhino @esop @socalkelly @mcmuck29 because I'm sure they'll want to hear about this new development and offer their support.

All the best with the lung CT scan. I'll be interested to hear what you learn.

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went for cat scan-results; enlarged 13mm gastrohepatic lymph node, 9mm distortion right lower lobe not morphologically suspicious-indeterminate-needs 3 month follow up


went for cat scan-results; enlarged 13mm gastrohepatic lymph node, 9mm distortion right lower lobe not morphologically suspicious-indeterminate-needs 3 month follow up

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So lung is normal but 1 lymph node is +
When do you start chemo ?


i start radiation this monday-5x a week except holidays...i start chemo this wednesday 1x a week ...ends on 1/3/23

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