Unusual excessive sweating.

Posted by NJ Ed @njed, Nov 13, 2022

Does anyone else experience excessive sweating during warm weather in particular areas around back of neck, head and upper chest? If so, can this be a result of sensory PN? Seems to be in areas that are not impacted by peripheral neuropathy.

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Im sorry for you people, but happy to know there are more people in the world with the same stuff. My neuro has not prescribed any extra pills for that, I just take the usual drugs for pain management :pregabalin and tryptizol at night. I just try to stay away from my husband at nights...which is not that easy ..and try to stay calm through the day ,I haven't quitted

Alcohol completely but wine rises my temperature a lot , so I just keep it for weekends. I'm take magnesium and nucleodol pills because Ive heard in other forums that they can do us some good but nothing seems to be conclusive. I had a corneal confocal microscope test for confirming the loss of small fibers and it the results shows up there is some denervation.


I have these same symptoms and I was diagnosed with idiopathic Neuropathy (inherited).
It is so embarrassing and I don't know what to do about it. My hair will be soaking wet !


Now you’re talking up my alley. I could write a book about my sweating. I walk to the mailbox 300 feet in the summer and I’m so soaked I have to change my shirt. I was taken to the hospital by ambulance and one issue was I was sweating so bad I felt like I jumped in a pool. The paramedic said I have never seen anyone sweat so bad. In the emergency room the ER Physician kept calling other doctors and nurses to pick up my cloths and see how much I was sweating. It’s horrible in the summer and infrequent in the winter.
What has caused all this ridiculous sweating is because I have autonomic neuropathy. My body cannot control the sweating at all. My doctor said for me to always eat salty food to hold some of the water in my body. I also get what is called Neurological Storming. This is where my neurological system goes crazy, into an exaggerated fight or flight mode. My heart rate goes up to 200 bpm. My blood pressure drops to around 60/40 due to my heart not beating correctly. The pain and sweating go off the charts and I beg God to please let me die. I use to have them and go to the emergency room about once every month or every other month. I’ve had over 30 of these.
The fix is to hang 4 bags of normal saline, Valium and morphine once administered stops the storm within 45 min.
I had one that lasted 2 days and I was stuck in the emergency room for 2 days. They tried everything to get the ekg pads to stick. I was sweating so bad that wasn’t gona happen. They tried putting a body net stocking to hold the pads on and that did not work.
I also have Small
Fiber Sensory Neuropathy on top of Autonomic Neuropathy.
You have neuropathy and you have sweating issues you may need to talk to your neurologist about AN. The test for is a waste of time. It a pathetic test and it barely worked in me. 6 months later I got a pacemaker because the autonomic neuropathy started killing the nerves in my heart, eyes, and kidney/bladder. Because it’s attacking my heart I am now on hospice. No longer can they treat issues with my heart. No meds work, no treatment works. Both neuropathies are horrible and my family family doesn’t understand why I want to die. I love life but this is not living.
I’m sorry for going on and on. Please speak to your neurologist about the possibility of autonomic neuropathy. It’s incurable but it can be slowed down if caught early and getting the proper diagnosis is key to your treatment. I hope and pray for those of you with sweating issues do not have Autonomic Neuropathy.
There are many names for this disease;
Autonomic Dysnomia (spelling?)
Neurological Dysnomia
Autonomic Neuropathy
Autonomic Disfunction
And many others titles
For this disease.


I have it all though my body sometimes it goes all rhe way to my chest. Plus I get the tightness around my back chest and stomach. Does anyone else experience this ?


I just seen this post and I also stay very hot and sweat out at night and get very warm 2- times through the day without doing anything. I have to change my pillow cases and sheets out every night . Becky1024
I’m going to check my temp in the morning, 12 noon and night and when I wake a see what changes arrive at these times and of course when I do sweat out and wake up that way I’ll check my temp as well it’s something else what we have to deal with and know one really understands


I was thinking Dysautonomia also. I am dragging my feet on being assessed for this. At this point, I’ve had so many tests, and since I have a diagnosis of length-dependent SFN, and my symptoms are controlled by Tegretol, I’m not sure what difference a Dysautonomia diagnosis would make. However, since this topic of sweating was raised, I’m suddenly aware that my sweat pattern has changed - again. It has moved to my back, from shoulder blades to hips. Soaked every morning. Our bodies are strange.


I want to make a brief comment about the sweating. About 20 years ago or so (long before my peripheral neuropathy), I was experiencing excessive sweating over-night, damp pillow case, etc. and would wake me up. Also at times, during the day, I would break out into a sweat. Went to a neurologist who ordered a sleep test. Sleep apnea was causing my sweating. Been on a sleep apnea machine and the over-night sweating stopped almost immediately. The sweating I'm now experiencing is not related to sleep apnea. With my sleep apnea, I would stop breathing many times during sleep for as long as 30 seconds at a time. Now, sleep right through no issues. Just something to check out.


@njed I believe the sweating is the first thing, from what I remember, that bothered me when i about 26-27 years old and not long after I noticed that I was having a lot of pain, starting from my lower back and down my legs. I also have a lot of neck pain and migraines. I also have a balance problem as well? I’ve noticed recently that if I’m beginning to feel some intense pain the sweat often follows soon after.
For example, just yesterday I went to the grocery store to pick up ONLY a FEW things, and the pain in my legs started to get worse as I step in line to pay for my items and as I’m standing in line to pay at the register I feel a flush of sudden heat and then the sweat soon followed. First the top of my head begins to sweat and then my forehead, face, top of my chest & my entire neck will start to sweat as well. I sweat so bad that the sweat literally pours off of my head, forehead and neck. The sweat pours off my entire face and into my eyes, burning & stinging so much that I just can’t keep my eyes open. It’s horrible, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked if I was ok and/or if I needed assistance.
It doesn’t matter where I am when it happens, at home or away, I’ve noticed that I tend to panic the moment I feel that I’m going to have a sweat attack. Because sometimes I really struggle to calm the sweating down. I have fans literally EVERYWHERE in my home. It’s quite embarrassing when you’re not wearing a winter coat while trying to fan yourself in the middle of a Chicagoland winter. Oh! I just learned that my sister, who is a year younger than me, has almost all the same symptoms as I and a house filled with fans. We haven’t mentioned the sweating to one another because my sister thought she was having normal hot flashes and I didn’t mention anything to her because I just don’t like to complain. We were both diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Sjogrens as well. She was diagnosed with Lupus and I was diagnosed with Scleromxyedema. Anyway, I told my sister that this kind of sweating is not normal otherwise we would see a lot more women out there with soaking/dripping wet hair, face, and clothes. So I’m thinking the sweating, neuropathy and pain is genetic.

I don’t know if this is symptomatic? But I have been sooo tired and weak anymore. I could sleep for hours & hours, wake up and still feel as if I need more rest. I have barely any energy even after 19 hours of rest. My doctors don’t know what to do and several of them are recommending me to Mayo. I don’t know which Mayo to go to? Any thoughts and/or recommendations?


Could it be a trait of a type of Dysautonomia? I had the sweat and heart rate test tilt test to check for that and the EMG. I also get cold hard livedo reticularis and Raynuds syndrome But it’s basically all about managing my symptoms in my case🌼

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@njed I believe the sweating is the first thing, from what I remember, that bothered me when i about 26-27 years old and not long after I noticed that I was having a lot of pain, starting from my lower back and down my legs. I also have a lot of neck pain and migraines. I also have a balance problem as well? I’ve noticed recently that if I’m beginning to feel some intense pain the sweat often follows soon after.
For example, just yesterday I went to the grocery store to pick up ONLY a FEW things, and the pain in my legs started to get worse as I step in line to pay for my items and as I’m standing in line to pay at the register I feel a flush of sudden heat and then the sweat soon followed. First the top of my head begins to sweat and then my forehead, face, top of my chest & my entire neck will start to sweat as well. I sweat so bad that the sweat literally pours off of my head, forehead and neck. The sweat pours off my entire face and into my eyes, burning & stinging so much that I just can’t keep my eyes open. It’s horrible, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked if I was ok and/or if I needed assistance.
It doesn’t matter where I am when it happens, at home or away, I’ve noticed that I tend to panic the moment I feel that I’m going to have a sweat attack. Because sometimes I really struggle to calm the sweating down. I have fans literally EVERYWHERE in my home. It’s quite embarrassing when you’re not wearing a winter coat while trying to fan yourself in the middle of a Chicagoland winter. Oh! I just learned that my sister, who is a year younger than me, has almost all the same symptoms as I and a house filled with fans. We haven’t mentioned the sweating to one another because my sister thought she was having normal hot flashes and I didn’t mention anything to her because I just don’t like to complain. We were both diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Sjogrens as well. She was diagnosed with Lupus and I was diagnosed with Scleromxyedema. Anyway, I told my sister that this kind of sweating is not normal otherwise we would see a lot more women out there with soaking/dripping wet hair, face, and clothes. So I’m thinking the sweating, neuropathy and pain is genetic.

I don’t know if this is symptomatic? But I have been sooo tired and weak anymore. I could sleep for hours & hours, wake up and still feel as if I need more rest. I have barely any energy even after 19 hours of rest. My doctors don’t know what to do and several of them are recommending me to Mayo. I don’t know which Mayo to go to? Any thoughts and/or recommendations?

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theparrottrooper - If you have several doctors that recommend that you go to Mayo, they are likely giving you the best advise they can. I can tell you first hand, I went to Mayo in MN in early 2020 because of my various weird symptoms of sensory motor peripheral neuropathy and because I was on Medicare, only Mayo in MN would accept me. They performed a variety of comprehensive testing over several days. Although they were unable to provide me with a cause, my wife and I left there knowing exactly what I had and felt the trip was well worth it. Apply and go if you can and take someone with you. Wish you the best! Ed

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