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Yes, I tested positive for CSID. I knew within 20 minutes of taking the test, that I would be positive due to my reaction. After years of gut problems with almost anything I ate, I have some clear answers. This is not an easy diagnosis as it requires continual monitoring of what you put into your body. I’ve been taking Sucraid with my meals for almost 2 years. There is a program that allows me to pay only $5 for a month’s supply. There is a CSID Cares website for dietary suggestions. I also have lactose intolerance to contend with.
Anyone else have CSID and lactose intolerance?

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Replies to "Yes, I tested positive for CSID. I knew within 20 minutes of taking the test, that..."

I do. But what program do you have that lets you pay only $5 a month for Sucrade, please? They’re telling me $35 a month, which is ridiculous.