Mayo Clinic Pain Rehab Center (PRC) - What’s Your Experience?

Posted by robyn @boltz7555, May 13, 2022

Hello - my Mayo neurologist recently recommended the pain rehabilitation center (PRC) to me. They have scheduled my consultation for next week. I’m interested in hearing from others who have gone through this program. What was your experience?
@rwinney Hi Rachel - I had you in mind when I came to make this post and I found the helpful feedback and information you shared in a post from April, here:
Did your condition impact your ability to work? If so, were you able to return to work with no special accommodations after PRC?

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Alan, I'm interested to hear how your phone appointment went with the PRC team. Did they feel that you are a good candidate for the program? What are your thoughts at this point?

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The Dr was very pleasant and nice , however It was a waste of time really..and of 800$ Canadian dollars.
The Dr wasnt from the PRC . It was only “confirming “ my medical history details that I sent in . Basically making sure I didn’t have a heart condition to,prevent me from attending. No questions answered about the program etc.
As a retired physician , this should have been done on a case by case basis , as I had sent in a very detailed medical history and medication list .
So , it’s all down to one appointment next week .
I am more than a little annoyed and have asked if they have a discount for self pay or out of country applicants . The cost of this program is and will be a huge burden to a fixed income . All 4 of the other US medical groups I had surgeries etc with had discounts for people in my situation.
So I’m a bit grumpy with no new information .
Thanks for asking .


The Dr was very pleasant and nice , however It was a waste of time really..and of 800$ Canadian dollars.
The Dr wasnt from the PRC . It was only “confirming “ my medical history details that I sent in . Basically making sure I didn’t have a heart condition to,prevent me from attending. No questions answered about the program etc.
As a retired physician , this should have been done on a case by case basis , as I had sent in a very detailed medical history and medication list .
So , it’s all down to one appointment next week .
I am more than a little annoyed and have asked if they have a discount for self pay or out of country applicants . The cost of this program is and will be a huge burden to a fixed income . All 4 of the other US medical groups I had surgeries etc with had discounts for people in my situation.
So I’m a bit grumpy with no new information .
Thanks for asking .

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@alh123 I'm sorry. I can understand why that would be a frustrating experience. It sounds like the initial phone appointment I had before I went to Mayo back in October. The appointment was basically reviewing my medical records/medications/etc. I hope they are able to do something for you to help with the costs.


@alh123 I'm sorry. I can understand why that would be a frustrating experience. It sounds like the initial phone appointment I had before I went to Mayo back in October. The appointment was basically reviewing my medical records/medications/etc. I hope they are able to do something for you to help with the costs.

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Well in the end the Dr .came up with a nice report and summary plus an opinion stating that I was a good candidate for the PRC. I’m pretty sure the next Dr will say the same thing . So I’m pretty sure I’ll be going.
Still wondering how much room for behavioural modification there is with the particular characteristics and intensity of my pain . It’s very daunting to have to trust a system that says it can help me change my functionality significantly, without any new treatment , some medication weaning and some group therapy going over pain concepts that I have already explored in depth over 12 years. I lie here suffering intently ,despite applying mindfulness , an attitude of gratitude and positivity and having paced myself to best of ability today. I feel like ,perhaps , I am too far gone down the rabbit hole to be able to expect much change . Somewhere on the bell curve of chronic pain patients there must be outliers that are outside the therapeutic window . I feel like I may well be one of them . The PRC must have data on this which I guess it doesn’t publish. All I can do ,as you suggested , is trust and believe in the system , drink the Kool-aid , if you will and immerse myself in the schedule , somehow pushing past the inevitable huge flare up that getting there and adapting is going to induce . As I said , daunting .


Well in the end the Dr .came up with a nice report and summary plus an opinion stating that I was a good candidate for the PRC. I’m pretty sure the next Dr will say the same thing . So I’m pretty sure I’ll be going.
Still wondering how much room for behavioural modification there is with the particular characteristics and intensity of my pain . It’s very daunting to have to trust a system that says it can help me change my functionality significantly, without any new treatment , some medication weaning and some group therapy going over pain concepts that I have already explored in depth over 12 years. I lie here suffering intently ,despite applying mindfulness , an attitude of gratitude and positivity and having paced myself to best of ability today. I feel like ,perhaps , I am too far gone down the rabbit hole to be able to expect much change . Somewhere on the bell curve of chronic pain patients there must be outliers that are outside the therapeutic window . I feel like I may well be one of them . The PRC must have data on this which I guess it doesn’t publish. All I can do ,as you suggested , is trust and believe in the system , drink the Kool-aid , if you will and immerse myself in the schedule , somehow pushing past the inevitable huge flare up that getting there and adapting is going to induce . As I said , daunting .

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Very daunting. I agree. And where ARE the outliers in these studies? Sounds like a case of "toxic positivity", where all we have to do is " think happy thoughts", decrease our meds, and our pain will magically go away. Soooo much more research is needed in this area...sigh....


Well in the end the Dr .came up with a nice report and summary plus an opinion stating that I was a good candidate for the PRC. I’m pretty sure the next Dr will say the same thing . So I’m pretty sure I’ll be going.
Still wondering how much room for behavioural modification there is with the particular characteristics and intensity of my pain . It’s very daunting to have to trust a system that says it can help me change my functionality significantly, without any new treatment , some medication weaning and some group therapy going over pain concepts that I have already explored in depth over 12 years. I lie here suffering intently ,despite applying mindfulness , an attitude of gratitude and positivity and having paced myself to best of ability today. I feel like ,perhaps , I am too far gone down the rabbit hole to be able to expect much change . Somewhere on the bell curve of chronic pain patients there must be outliers that are outside the therapeutic window . I feel like I may well be one of them . The PRC must have data on this which I guess it doesn’t publish. All I can do ,as you suggested , is trust and believe in the system , drink the Kool-aid , if you will and immerse myself in the schedule , somehow pushing past the inevitable huge flare up that getting there and adapting is going to induce . As I said , daunting .

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Sorry you have been suffering.
A handful of people who have suffered a myriad of unclear illnesses have told me of their success with the Gupta Program. It is an online. limbic retraining program that take 12 weeks of 40 minutes a day practice. I have not done it yet but plan to start in mid December.
I believe there is another program as well.
Best of luck to you.


Well in the end the Dr .came up with a nice report and summary plus an opinion stating that I was a good candidate for the PRC. I’m pretty sure the next Dr will say the same thing . So I’m pretty sure I’ll be going.
Still wondering how much room for behavioural modification there is with the particular characteristics and intensity of my pain . It’s very daunting to have to trust a system that says it can help me change my functionality significantly, without any new treatment , some medication weaning and some group therapy going over pain concepts that I have already explored in depth over 12 years. I lie here suffering intently ,despite applying mindfulness , an attitude of gratitude and positivity and having paced myself to best of ability today. I feel like ,perhaps , I am too far gone down the rabbit hole to be able to expect much change . Somewhere on the bell curve of chronic pain patients there must be outliers that are outside the therapeutic window . I feel like I may well be one of them . The PRC must have data on this which I guess it doesn’t publish. All I can do ,as you suggested , is trust and believe in the system , drink the Kool-aid , if you will and immerse myself in the schedule , somehow pushing past the inevitable huge flare up that getting there and adapting is going to induce . As I said , daunting .

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I pray and hope that the program can help you, Alan. I can only imagine how daunting it feels when you've been dealing with your pain for so long and tried so many things. The fact that you're still open and willing to try this program says a lot about you. There's so many that wouldn't even try. There's a grit and a determination to not give up even though you're struggling. Depending on whether you're accepted into the program and how soon you would go, I may be seeing you there, depending on which location you've applied to. I found out I was accepted into the program last week and will start on November 29th at the Rochester, MN location (this Texan has gotta get ready for some major cold!). I'm excited but it's also scary at the same time. I'm trying really hard to not let my fears get worked up about it. It's a gamble. We don't know what will happen. But I'm praying and believing good things to come from it for both of us. The place where I will be staying in Rochester is run by a gentleman who has been through the PRC program himself. He said the program saved his life. That was encouraging for me to hear. Keep me posted on if you get in and when you'll be going!


Hey there- @chelle2001. Given all you've just expressed, you seem to have a pretty solid handle on understanding CSS and what your best path forward is. Recognizing that can be the first step. Good for you!

Regarding the past 5 years of your treatments, you're right Doctors have their lanes of specialized knowledge. Most times they do the best they can with what they have, know or are willing to expand upon.

I also experienced hyperalgesia which is when pain is intensified by medications, mainly opioids, and causes an adverse reaction. It took a while to come to grips with that one.

Please remain persistent with PRC as you are doing. Express all that you have here to me on Connect and stay in communication with them. Perhaps emailing a follow up with your thoughts, wishes and intent in addition to phone conversation will be helpful.

Stay diligent and keep the faith. Please let me know how things progress. 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼

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@rwinney, I found out last week that I got into the PRC program!! They decided to change their mind on their initial decision. I will be going to the Rochester, MN location and will begin the program on November 29th. (This Texan has gotten get ready for some major cold!! brrr) Would you mind sharing your best advice with me? I'm excited and also a little scared but trying really hard not to let fear get the best of me. But I do want to mentally prepare myself. What should I expect going into it and what will help me going through it? I know you talked about going into it with an open mind and also what you get from it will be what you put into it. Anything else that will be helpful?


Hi @alh123, I'm interested to hear how your phone appointment went with the PRC team. Did they feel that you are a good candidate for the program? What are your thoughts at this point?

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Well I was talking about possibly being too far down the rabbit hole for the PRC program . Today didn’t help . Today was my main application video appointment . I had to cancel my pain program appt because I was in too much pain. Talk about irony ! . My neuralgic pain flares are like trigeminal neuralgia or a glossopharygeal “ brain freeze “ . You’re being zapped so it’s not like a pain you can push to the back of your mind with mindfulness or other visualization techniques .. it’s a non functional situation . They form the basis of my struggle. I have great concern about how I’m going to be able turn up every morning 745 am having had breakfast and having travelled on a shuttle. The rest of the program is totally within my grasp .. but their words about arriving each morning “ regardless of the level of pain “ seem to exclude patients like me . Perhaps I should be looking for some kind of residential program as they seem quite firm on this point . I’m all for a bit of tough love to motivate people to get up and at ‘em but somehow fear that I am going to fall between the cracks . I guess I’ll discuss this when im able to reschedule my appointment. I hope they have a contingency plan .


Well I was talking about possibly being too far down the rabbit hole for the PRC program . Today didn’t help . Today was my main application video appointment . I had to cancel my pain program appt because I was in too much pain. Talk about irony ! . My neuralgic pain flares are like trigeminal neuralgia or a glossopharygeal “ brain freeze “ . You’re being zapped so it’s not like a pain you can push to the back of your mind with mindfulness or other visualization techniques .. it’s a non functional situation . They form the basis of my struggle. I have great concern about how I’m going to be able turn up every morning 745 am having had breakfast and having travelled on a shuttle. The rest of the program is totally within my grasp .. but their words about arriving each morning “ regardless of the level of pain “ seem to exclude patients like me . Perhaps I should be looking for some kind of residential program as they seem quite firm on this point . I’m all for a bit of tough love to motivate people to get up and at ‘em but somehow fear that I am going to fall between the cracks . I guess I’ll discuss this when im able to reschedule my appointment. I hope they have a contingency plan .

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I'm sorry to hear that your pain prevented you from having your second appointment. That must have been frustrating. I think it's good that you're really thinking through all this ahead of time to make sure it's the right program for you and what you need rather than just pushing forward and finding out once you're in it. I hope once you get your second appointment that it will provide the clarity you need whether to move forward with the program or not.


I'm sorry to hear that your pain prevented you from having your second appointment. That must have been frustrating. I think it's good that you're really thinking through all this ahead of time to make sure it's the right program for you and what you need rather than just pushing forward and finding out once you're in it. I hope once you get your second appointment that it will provide the clarity you need whether to move forward with the program or not.

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Yes …I’m really hoping they have a contingency plan for situations when people just can’t physically function on a particular day. I’m sure everybody feels that adapting to the schedule will,be difficult. In the vast majority of cases , it will be overcome by will power and just pushing through the symptoms.
However ,pacing in chronic pain is almost a mantra, so pacing may be required to actually get to and participate in the program. In my case , I’ll be keen to participate all parts of the program and can see that , with support , progress will be made . It’s actually physically getting there that will be the biggest challenge for me .
Thanks for the support .I wonder if anyone who has been to a PRC program can comment . How do they deal with folks that can’t make it on a bad day …or are late for good reason ? How common is it for people to “fail” and have to leave because of the functional demands ?
All questions I’ll be asking when I eventually get another appointment!

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