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I read a comment or two last week that suggested light exercise for 15 mins and a short nap in am and pm.
I tried to excercise. It was very light and only 10 mins, but I became so much sicker!!
I’m so frustrated and sad!!
I can only do light house cleaning for about 1/2 hr and then I can’t do anything else the rest of the day.
Any suggestions or encouraging words. 😞

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Replies to "I read a comment or two last week that suggested light exercise for 15 mins and..."

No, DO NOT exercise. Your body is trying to recover and you WILL deplete yourself by exercising more. I had healed myself completely then brought my heart palpitations back by swimming. ANY type of over-extending the body (even emotionally) can take you backwards again with long-haul.

I know exactly what you mean by doing 30 min of housecleaning & then being wiped out for the rest of the day. I've been there! It went on for me for 13 months before I finally had a breakthrough!

For me (& I'm not saying this is what's going on with you), I finally find out through an immunologist that the "moderate mucousal thickening" and the mucous retention cysts (in My right sphenoid & ethmoid sinus areas) that were all showing up on my MRIs ... could be helped by OTC and Rx meds. And ... to my surprise! for me, those sinus issues seemed to be causing MANY/MOST of my post-covid symptoms: extreme vertigo, severe weakness & fatigue, hand tremors, terrible headaches, vision issues, incoordination & gait issues.

Within a week or two of starting 3 of the sinus meds, after 13+ months of suffering with long-haul covid issues, my gait improved markedly & I was able to return to a normal speed of walking! I was finally getting my energy back! I still had visual issues & vertigo in my head/eyes, but that almost completely went away after my immunologist added a 4th sinus med.

So, after 14-15 mos of covid symptoms, I am now almost completely back to my old self! I still have a little vertigo here & there every day, but it's so much less than it was. The same with my tremors. But the biggest improvements have been in my gait, my strength, my fatigue level, and my energy!

So, even if sinuses specifically aren't your issue (I didn't know they were for me!), listen to your body, don't do too much. Take naps. 15 min of exercise (housework or whatever) may be your max for a year or more. Don't wipe yourself out for the rest of the day ... or for the next 3 days ... by doing 30 min of housework. Focus on what absolutely MUST be done. Use paper plates so you don't have as many dishes to do. Make a bigger meal 1 day & freeze portions to make quick meals for yourself on other days when you're feeling tired or need to do something exerting like mopping, vacuuming, or laundry.

Keep pushing to see a dr who can figure out what will help you.

Love & blessings.

I have the same experience with exertion. There are theories about the scenario being investigated and proposed in the medical professional right now and clinically research is underway with new NIH funding. So many of us are literally disabled. People try different self -help mitigators and share what works for them. Our condition is similar to what was previously called "chronic fatigue" syndrome. And since COVID-19 is relatively new, there's much to be discovered that's specific to this virus. Most Drs in regular practice aren't familiar with the very wide range of ost-COVID symptoms, many of which are vague and/or intermittent. Drs focusing on this syndrome are discovering new things every day. But clinical trials are required before treatments are definitive for application There's much trial and error for sufferers trying whatever is within our reach on our own. So many of us are in the same boat as you are. But then there are people reporting restoration. The treatments that helped them are also diverse. There is hope. I believe we will have something uniform and effective soon. Be kind to yourself and preserve your energy. Maintain hope until then. 🙏 We have an online community here, which is a great resource and support.