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Oh, how I know those feelings-"uselessness, why bother?, who cares?, I am not important, what am I supposed to do now?, what will become of me?" I got sick November, 2020, though not severely ill initially the only thing in my life that hasn't changed is my social security number.
Grief has no timeline.
I have been grieving the life I have lost-I lost my job from long covid, the exact ER nursing job that had me face to face (literally) with covid. My identity has been based on being a strong, 60-something intelligent mother in a face paced & demanding career, runner, gardener, helper, leader & I have lost all that. I clearly know who I was, who the heck am I now-I have no idea.
Today I am going to have my coffee & a bowl of cereal, get dressed (even if it is jeans and a sweatshirt, again), put a load in the washer (not dry, fold or put away), step outside to feel the sun and a breeze.
Tomorrow I might feel like 2 steps outside. Or to the end of the driveway. Or a Law & Order marathon. It doesn't matter-just do today.
Private Message me if you want.

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Replies to "Oh, how I know those feelings-"uselessness, why bother?, who cares?, I am not important, what am..."

Hi Rina: You are doing the right thing----doing daily tasks an getting some fresh air. You are still you! The way we survive is to re-invent ourselves.
Nutrition , rest and sleep are key. check nutrition on your computer or consult a nutritionist/dietician. Eat fresh, no fatty foods or processed fast food. I cook my own. I always keep food I make in freezer also --so have my own fast food. I use take out sometimes that does not have overly breaded and fried.
Accepting the person we have become is very important to maintain our emotional self.
I feel as if no one wants my assistance anymore, that as a leader in the community of nursing and public health,--I grieve my previous self. HOWEVER I REALIZE THAT I AM STILL ME and have started to offer health information over the telephone gratis. I also keep updated and send updates to friends who are interested. I meditate, do a gentle revised Tai Chi and wish I could throw out dirty towels, clothes etc haha.
I am just recovering and in COVID 3rd stage. I have been very careful as I knew back in 2019 tha SARS-2 was killing people in China from january of that year. This was not made public until October 2019. Right now I do feel resentful that I got it.
Back in 2003---remember SRS-1 ? I was in the forefront of that for the large city I live in. And I got it! It was inevitable. So now, Rina, I deal with the psychological isues of a more insulated and isolated life. I was very out there in my career and personal life--doing voluneer work and going out having fun and engaging in family gatherings.
My mission now is to readjust my life and stay positive. I give gratitude every day that I do not live in a wartorn country and every day I think of a new gratitude. This new lie is one hell of a challenge! As a strong and resilient nurse --as I believe you are too-----we will conquer!!
I believe in you!!

I'm 66, and I've had long Covid for a solid year and counting. I have had severe GI symptoms, couldn't eat for months and dropped 45 pounds. I also had autoimmune and neurological symptoms. The neurological symptoms were devastating. The autoimmune and neurological symptoms have resolved for the most part -- it took months. Some of the GI symptoms are much better now. I still have very bad sinus problems and considerable throat pain.

I lost the entire year to Covid! Didn't get a thing done. I'm an artist and I have not painted in a year. If I get Covid again, it will kill me. Of that I am certain.

I hope you feel better! Take care, Michele

Rina, it's very possible to heal fully from long-haul symptoms. I'm not able to respond to every post, as it is truly terrible to read about everyone suffering, but I do post frequently when I can that MANY people have healed themselves fully from long-haul symptoms. There's no need to "wait it out" or be told "it just takes time". Diet is huge -- it has to be anti-inflammatory as well as low histamine (these are very specific foods). You can take an H1 and H2 blocker daily to help -- Pepcid AC and Claritin, for example. Then you must supplement heavily to give your body more of what it needs. I healed myself fully and I was non-functional, not able to leave the house, drive, take care of simple errands etc. You can read more in the Facebook long haulers group, but I'm also happy to re-post my supplement regimen for anyone here who's interested.