Loss of husband: I'm only existing, how do I live again?

Posted by thisismarilynb @thisismarilynb, Apr 20, 2022

We were married 59 years. I don't feel like a person anymore. Shortly after his death, I had to have a full hip replacement and was alone. I feel I will never be the same. I am not living, only existing.

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Marilyn - congrats on a successful hip replacement and having such courage as you let time do it’s healing - physically AND with grief. And Wendy - it’s only been a year and I am so sorry for your loss. The enthusiasm will slowly creep back into your days- but with a knee replacement lingering, it’s a lot ! - be kind to yourself. If possible enjoy the small things in each day like a good cup of coffee or a lovely summer day and the rest … those things associated with grief that make it so hard - will resolve themselves on your own time schedule. Lean on family and friends now - it’s a gift to them to be able to help you.

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Thank you for your wise words. It does help to see how others are coping with loss and to realize that there is no time limit on the repercussions of grief. It sounds like you have discovered what to look for for help in comfort and healing.


Marilyn sorry for your loss no words can fulfill the emotional void that you are feeling for not being able to see the face when you get up in the mornings but you must have beautiful memories of the 59 years of togetherness maybe if you think about those happy times it might help you have been through two traumatic events a serious operation of hip replacement and the passing away of your husband so in my opinion talking about him praying as well as some sort of grief counselling may help a little bit my prayers are with you


Marilyn sorry for your loss no words can fulfill the emotional void that you are feeling for not being able to see the face when you get up in the mornings but you must have beautiful memories of the 59 years of togetherness maybe if you think about those happy times it might help you have been through two traumatic events a serious operation of hip replacement and the passing away of your husband so in my opinion talking about him praying as well as some sort of grief counselling may help a little bit my prayers are with you

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Thank you for your words of comfort. I have started counselling but I find the replies from the people in this group help more than anything.


Need to start a support group for surviving spouse. Still very hard for the family


Need to start a support group for surviving spouse. Still very hard for the family

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Hi @skwwatkins, I can help you find the right support group. Can you tell me a bit more?
I know that your family was dealing with gastroesophageal cancer. Am I to understand that your husband has passed? You are looking for support from others who lost a loved one to cancer?


Need to start a support group for surviving spouse. Still very hard for the family

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My husband passed July 20. We were to be married 50 years in December. We were very close. It is really hard snd it seems like it is getting worse. Yes, support from others would be good.
I guess the bigger shock is that he was never ever sick, and no symptoms. They discovered it by a scope looking for bleeding. And it was stage 4. Never really had much of a chance


My husband passed July 20. We were to be married 50 years in December. We were very close. It is really hard snd it seems like it is getting worse. Yes, support from others would be good.
I guess the bigger shock is that he was never ever sick, and no symptoms. They discovered it by a scope looking for bleeding. And it was stage 4. Never really had much of a chance

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@skwwatkins, you are certainly not alone. I have moved your messages to this existing discussion:

- Loss of husband: I'm only existing, how do I live again? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/loss-of-husband/

I did this so you can read the previous posts and connect with others like @thisismarilynb @IndianaScott @wreath @dg0797 @harriethodgson1 @wendytrg who are learning to make space for grief and life.

You may also wish to browse some of the other discussions in the Loss & Grief support group here: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/group/loss-grief/


My husband passed July 20. We were to be married 50 years in December. We were very close. It is really hard snd it seems like it is getting worse. Yes, support from others would be good.
I guess the bigger shock is that he was never ever sick, and no symptoms. They discovered it by a scope looking for bleeding. And it was stage 4. Never really had much of a chance

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Hi. I know exactly what you are feeling. My husband passed away almost two years ago. I actually think I did better the first year than I have done the last few months. We had 59 years together and for that I am grateful. I try to focus on the things that I am thankful for. Many couples don’t have that many years together. Unlike you, my husband had pulmonary fibrosis, so we knew his days were numbered. That gave us time to prepare, plan, and talk about everything. Which made the after death process and business issues so much easier on me. For that I am thankful. But, now my loss and heart break has hit me full force. I am glad that we moved near family. That has helped, put they don’t fully understand my sadness. And I don’t expect them to. I also attended a grief group which I enjoyed and may do a repeat on that. I get out and have done some traveling. Because my husband and I enjoyed traveling and I know he would want me to continue. I got busy and organized all my hundreds of family pictures. I also started a journal. It helps me to write what I’m feeling, and it’s like I’m talking to him. I think grief is different for everyone. And if you had a close relationship with that person, the grief and sadness will always be there from time to time.
So just hang in there and know that you are not alone. And that what you are feeling is perfectly normal. I pray every day for peace and comfort. May God give you the same.


My husband passed July 20. We were to be married 50 years in December. We were very close. It is really hard snd it seems like it is getting worse. Yes, support from others would be good.
I guess the bigger shock is that he was never ever sick, and no symptoms. They discovered it by a scope looking for bleeding. And it was stage 4. Never really had much of a chance

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I know exactly how you feel. My husband died August 20, 2021, just shortly after our 59th anniversary. I am still very much in shock and terrible grieving, loss, and a lot of tears. Even though my husband had Parkinson's Disease, it was under control and his neurologist said he was doing very well for his age. The thing that killed him was his absolute refusal to use a walker to get from his bed to the bathroom when he had to get up in the night. I begged and pleaded but he would not. Of course the inevitable happened. He fell and broke his femur. He was dead in 3 months. So in addition to grieving I have a lot of anger to work through. I don't know if I will ever get through this. Also if that was not enough I have had to go through a complete hip replacement alone. Too much. Too much.


My husband passed July 20. We were to be married 50 years in December. We were very close. It is really hard snd it seems like it is getting worse. Yes, support from others would be good.
I guess the bigger shock is that he was never ever sick, and no symptoms. They discovered it by a scope looking for bleeding. And it was stage 4. Never really had much of a chance

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Hello skwwatkins.
When my husband passed last year, there was no formal grief support group at work, and I found comfort in joining Mayo Clinic Connect. My husband and I were married 24 years, and he died young at age 60 after a long illness. My hope for you is that you too will find the same comfort and encouragement as I have from this site.

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