Post COVID: Anyone experiencing internal vibrations?

Posted by sharho @sharho, Jul 7, 2022

I have had long covid for over two years and a symptom began sporadically during the initial seven weeks that has worsened since a second covid experience. It began as a “flutter” in my chest upon waking, lasting 5 seconds or so. It is not painful just a new sensation I have never experienced. After getting covid again in February 2022, the internal vibrations have become full body and go on for forty seconds. It is always upon waking or falling asleep temporarily during meditation and waking again. Long Covid retired me from my profession and I am not under any stress. I had a recent cardiac incident (also due to long Covid) and wore a Holter monitor. I triggered it whilst having an IV incident: definitely not cardiac induced. Has anyone else experienced IV like this?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 Support Group.

I had covid for first time in August. Had 4th vaccine two weeks before so fully vaccinated. No health issues before covid. 2nd & 3rd days of covid had what felt like electric shocks going through body. A few days later developed tremors, twitches and body jerks. Mostly in evening before & after sleeping. Two weeks into covid went to Dr to find during covid I developed kidney failure- stage 3b. Never had any kidney problems before covid. Kidneys bounced back- not to normal, but very manageable. Tremors have continued and although not painful they do make sleeping difficult. My doctor wants me to see a neurologist locally, but I am hesitant because I am not sure anyone locally would have any idea. I also suspect they will think it is in my head! I have had external tremors off and on now for around 80 days. Hoping they will simply go away but scared they will not. I do not know anyone with this symptom so just trying to roll with it. It is a bit scary… I do not know if go just ignore or if it could morph into something worse? I do not know how to proceed and have not actually found information on what could help with the tremors and muscle jerks. Would love to find things that might help.


TLDR: Took lots of magnesium (4 pills a day) and was fine in 24h. Check my post above for steps what worked for me and what was irrelevant and what made it worse.

My symptom of internal vibrations started in march 2022, 3 month after covid (might have been my second covid though fully vaccinated). At first I did not take much attention to this bizarre bed movements and thought that my wife is moving around. This went on till august when I was 3 weeks already on enjoyable vacations, but due to extreme heats and having parents over that generated slightly elevated stress and lack of sleep and lots of alcohol, huge feasts and at that time I caught some virus (not covid, but later we were all coughing for over a month) which lead to an episode of full body electricity which triggered a panic attack as it felt as if something is wrong with my heart. ER and my personal doctor were as puzzled as me and said that it was non specific anxiety and gave me diazepam and lorazepam. This two prescription medicines did not help much and I had 3 agonising weeks due to anxiety and panic attacks. ECG was showing elevated hart rate and they did not help much with calming me down. After consulation with the doctor I went off lorezepam, but kept taking valerians, then I noticed that this valerians are making electricity worse so I stopped that and started walking. Still having occasional lighter and less frequent panic attacks, but electricity was going through my heart, felt pain in arm and like needle stabbing heart - all this seemed like anxiety, though I did not feel worried, sad or overthinking, but I was over observing myself and felt frustrated. Did many measurements with Apple watch ECG and blood pressure - enough that I was convinced that my heart was fine though elevated rate and that this must be some symptoms of anxiety which diverted my attention to covid. Got armed with information and started experimenting, tried acupuncture (waste of time, though some with anxiety for lack of dopamine report great success), tried breathing exercises, yoga ... all with limited success, in case of a crisis ice on the neck and submerging face in ice cold water helped, swimming in fresh pool also helped a great deal. Tried alcohol again - oh wow that worked wonders, but clearly was not a permanent solution. Then I finally got my holter test that fully confirmed my heart was fine, which removed or at least reduced my anxiety and all that was left were internal vibrations and electricity, now my palms no longer sweated I was rather excited for a new round just to test various stuff and once I started pumping in lots of magnesium (4 pills a day) vibrations and electricity got down to a minimum in 1 day and it keeps being off long enough that I can recommend it. So I highly recommend trying simple and safe magnesium pills. Now the only time I still feel something is after a short nap and I am optimistic that this will get resolved soon. I guess it is our immune system screwing up with nerves and unpleasant feeling triggering anxiety like symptoms (referring to the heart). I fully agree with you, make sure you go to a doctor of western medicine as this is the only qualified person to rule out serious conditions. But as it seems like we have gone through this in this thread without a solution I wanted to share what worked for me in hopes that somebody else can also have some much deserved peace. As I too came to this form searching for answers.

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Glad to hear you are feeling better
I have also been having internal vibrations
Like a buzzing In my lower extremities
It started at night while laying down
Now it’s been all day
Of course it’s making me anxious as well
Can you please share what magnesium supplements you found success with ?
Thank you 🙏


I don't exactly have internal flutters like you've described, but something similar. Tremors are my thing! This coming February it will be two years that I have been dealing with and learning how to manage/compensate for my Post-COVID Long-haulers symptoms. Mine first manifested as nerve "zingers" that ran through my brain, sometimes dissipating and sometimes settling into a vague headache. They can feel like a bug moving rapidly under my skull from one location in my brain to another, usually just feeling like it is across the surface of my brain. This is accompanied by brain fog and dyslexia-like word, print and even number-scrambling, thought-blanking, and stuttering/getting locked on repeating words while trying to talk. These symptoms eventually progressed to full body tremors which usually start very subtly with feeling an onset of head bobbing forward and back, which progresses to arms and legs trembling like someone with Parkinson's. The tremors can get so bad that I feel my legs will give out underneath me and I have to walk with a cane or hold on to furniture to steady myself. When I push things beyond this point trying to stay active my neuro-muscular symptoms turn into full-on body and brain nerve pain–like a "storm" of nerve irritation which basically shuts me down and brings me to tears. The only remedy is to lay down, unload my nervous system, and wait for everything to subside (now I try to lie down as soon as the head-bobs become noticeable to others). I enrolled in a Post-COVID Care Clinic (PCCC) in my hometown and the best thing they did for me is to have me talk to their pharmacist who helped me figure out how to get better sleep. I have trouble getting to sleep anyway because my thoughts stay so active, but the COVID virus really disrupted my ability to stay asleep even more. The PCCC pharmacist taught me how to use melatonin in conjunction with a sleep preparation routine starting two hours prior to my target time I want to fall asleep, to get an appropriate amount of sleep each night (PTSD counselors call this doing good mental/emotional "sleep hygiene"). This has really helped me start diminishing/managing my symptoms and keep them at bay; although, I have found that when I have a few nights in a row of bad sleep, and/or of really demanding activity during a given day (either physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually demanding–any one or a combo of these), the tremors, stuttering, and thought freezing can easily come back again. But with well managed and more consistently good sleep I have been able to, bit by bit, increase my activity levels and even exercise to the point of passing my latest Air Force physical fitness test just a few weeks ago (not a great score, but passing). It has been tricky since I don't know my new limits and I have had to push to and through them to get back up almost to my prior activity abilities. Each time I have done this I trigger the symptoms and it feels like I'm setting myself back again. But over time I have adjusted to doing this with more care and caution so that I can stop exertion and lie down for a while just as the symptoms are coming on again, and then make sure I get really good sleep the night after. This is my new normal. One more thing I will share is that I have had brain MRI's and other tests that have not really brought anything to light. Several of my siblings have auto-immune issues, so I got tested for this thinking that maybe the COVID virus triggered it in me, but my tests came back negative (which I'm still kind of skeptical of and may get retested for again). The PCCC doctor told me he thinks my symptoms are from triggering nerve and muscle inflammation caused by the virus, and even that I may now be triggering (and susceptible to having) micro seizures. I'm sorry for all those who are dealing with this, and I pray that maybe what I've shared of my own ongoing experience might bring some hope and help to others having similar symptoms as my own. God's peace, strength, healing and courage to all!
-Fr. David Meinzen (VA and Air Force Chaplain)


About 14 weeks after I got Covid for the first time, I began to get an internal tremor in my calves only at rest and stronger at night, but again, only if I’m lying down or sitting with my legs up (worth noting that I’m vaccinated and my infection with Covid was so mild it was nearly asymptomatic…just had a burning throat slightly and wouldn’t have thought anything of it if I didn’t know I had been exposed). My husband can only feel it when it’s really bad, but they vibrate and twitch. It’s strange bc they tremor hard often but still my legs look still. Sometimes it stops in the night after falling asleep, but sometimes I wake up to go to the restroom and I still have it but it stops when I’m moving. It’s mostly scary. It then continued up to my thighs, went away for a month, then came back and now will go up to my shoulders and arms though that only lasts for about 30 seconds. I’ve seen a neurologist who ran an MRI and all was clear. We’re doing an EMG next week but given the exercises she had me do in her office, she said none of it makes sense. I’m strong and work out with heavy weights 3x per week, continuing to set PRs. Lately I’ve had it less often and not all night, but it went away for a month so I’m sure it will come back. Milk before bed (magnesium) seems to help sometimes but my blood levels are normal for magnesium….it more scares me for long term effects. Does this mean I’m at higher risk for Parkinson’s, ALS, essential tremors, dementia, etc.? I don’t think we know this yet but it’s scary as someone who is 35 and a mom of 3 who has always focused on staying healthy. Luckily I had 2 vaccines and 2 boosters. I will say it flared up again after the boosters, but I didn’t get it until 6 months after my first booster (both initial shots completed well over a year before the onset of the tremor), which was 3 months after I got Covid so I’m confident this is Covid induced and not vaccine injury. I got Covid again in July and it will continue to scare me that it’ll get worse again each time though it hasn’t so far. Anyway, hoping research answers questions and provides relief soon.


I’m so sorry you feel isolated and fear being shunned. This ongoing pandemic has divided us, and too many are suffering in silence. I live in a blue state/super blue city, but still feel like nobody wants to believe my long Covid experience. Not even my family. So your post resonates with me.

I have had occasional internal tremors like you describe. More like vibrations. I do get pronounced essential tremor in my left hand, and, like you, my mind goes straight to Parkinson’s. Unfortunately, nobody can give us answers yet. I saw my neurologist last week and he reminded me that a few years after the 1918 flu pandemic, there was a wave of Parkinson’s patients, including very young people. But that was influenza, this is SARS. Only time will tell. I know that’s not reassuring. I’m very sorry I don’t have any answers. And I’m sorry that nobody else has answers for us yet.

My biggest fear is early onset dementia. I have lost so much cognitive function. Sometimes I can’t tell my left from my right, I get lost in my own neighborhood, I have had pre-Covid memories completely deleted from my brain. I don’t retain new information. I cannot concentrate for more than about 60 seconds. I have dizziness and vertigo, and have had two falls. I could go on and on. For the first three months post Covid, I was totally unable to exercise. I was also terrified to leave my apartment, I could not trust my brain. Thankfully, I am now able to work out. Mainly lifting weights and doing bodyweight type exercises. I am too afraid of passing out from high intensity cardio. And I refuse to go to a gym, because I am terrified of being reinfected. I do not want to this to get any worse.

My GP initially led me to believe that time was the answer. That 12 to 18 months from my infection I would be completely healed. I should note that I had viral encephalitis during my infection, that was 10 months ago. So, Covid was in my brain. It was like instant full-on dementia. I had no idea what was happening for about three days. I remember very little. I do remember that my first instinct was to hide what was going on inside of me.

Like you, some symptoms disappear only to come back. I am 10 months out, and suddenly I have new symptoms. I’m having problems with my joints. It is beyond frustrating. It’s lonely. Sometimes it is so quiet inside of my head, it feels like an abandoned house.

I apologize that this reply is not going to bring you any answers and probably no comfort. Just know that you are not alone. Your symptoms and your illness are real. Anybody who doesn’t see that, who doesn’t respect that, they are more broken than we are!

Hang in there. Keep on lifting weights. Keep believing in yourself. My main goal is to not get reinfected. We cannot change what is already done. We are both strong and young, and we will get through this.

Sending you strength.


I’m so glad I joined connect and this thread. I had COVID end of June 22 and it was a bit mild with sore throat and some nose congestion. However, I did have some brain fog and dizziness. After about 7 days and a negative PCR I was able to return to my normal activity and reduced my pace at home and work.

I recently caught COVID again near the end of Oct and sadly just 1 week before I qualified for my 4th booster. I had 0 side effects from the Pfizer vaccines I have taken.

Same initial onset with COVID round 2 but by day 3 the headache, brain fog and fatigue were severe. I experienced rapid firing of pain shocks through out my body at level 10 but initially starting in my thighs. They are still here throughout the day but less rapid

I awake daily to a headache, more dull but with pressure in my eyebrow and head sinus tract leading to the dull pain across my forehead.

I now have random muscle twitches that last for just a few seconds on the muscle but in a series that can last for minutes at a time in one muscle or shift to multiple sites. Sometimes at night a muscle jolt in my lower extremities will wake me. It is normally my foot or leg. It has also happened with my arm.

I also recently experienced a weird sensation like a horizontal vibration on the left side of my head that was described in an earlier post and the numbing bottom lip sensation that comes and goes.

I also began to have episodes of stuttered breaths. It is like my body takes an involuntary extra 2-3 inhales all at once and it is audible. I’m focusing on my breathing and making sure I’m not unconsciously holding my breath and nose breathing in a normal pattern.
I was recently told that this could be a nerve issue a well.

My vision has worsened and I feel eye strain when attempting to focus on text and I’m sensitive to bright lights now.

I have an underlying autoimmune condition called Grave’s disease and I live post thyroidectomy (2010) for thyroid cancer. One would have never known about my prior condition because I have NEVER experienced the debilitating issues or concerns that have manifested post COVID round 2.

My recent CMP labs show that my liver is swollen and my kidney function is low. I have been referred to nephrology. My liver US should be tomorrow or early next week.

My endocrine specialist and GP recommend rest and time as the magic cure for the severe inflammation that is blamed for causing these issues.

I’m prayerful that this is short-term and part of the healing journey ❤️‍🩹 for all of us. I’m also prayerful that the medical professionals, scientist, and researchers will be blessed with wisdom, discernment, and supernatural knowledge to help restore humanity.

While we fight to be well, let’s be strong and courageous. Knowledge and a strong support network is critical. So glad I found this group. Even my husband looks at me in awe when I descube what I’m experiencing. It is more than a phenomenon.

We can get through this together!


Sorry for everyone that is suffering from long Covid. I am happy I found this chat. I thought I was alone and going crazy. Here's my story of near death experience and C19 post symptoms.
First the disclaimer, I am not an anti-vaxer, but I was not vaccinated at the time back in March 2021. I just didn't want to be a guinea pig, but I digress. I was a healthy 60 years old, mesomorph body type, exercised regularly, ate healthy and was practicing the specialty of Orthodontics when I got it. Spent 2 weeks in bed and almost died at home. I did not want to go to the hospital for fear of intubation. The statistics showed higher than 75% of Covid patients intubated died. I had a 50/50 chance staying home. As soon as I knew I had it, I started taking Azithromycin, Pepcid, Medrol and Albuterol. All these in hope to reduce inflammation of the lungs, prevent a secondary infection (pneumonia), maximize breathing capacity and reduce the spread of the viral infection. I never developed a fever!!!!, but would sweat and shake like a leaf. I lost 15 pounds in the process, but have regained them since then. The headaches were the worst I have ever experienced and are still present in a mild to moderate degree. Occasional dizziness and shortness of breath. These symptoms change day to day like the brain fogginess dependent on sleep. Started suffering Insomnia right after and have been experiencing an occasional diesel like smell symptom. The obvious right hand tremor is mild to moderate (is not Parkinson's), but it prevented me from placing braces accurately and it forced me to retire from practice. I have disability insurance, but it is not enough. Word to the wise, don't ever go to an insurance company for a disability claim without a lawyer. Thankfully my wife works and we have only one more year of daughter's college tuition and few other liabilities.
About a month after not getting better I had an MRI, Encephalogram, EVOKE Test and a chest X-rays done. They found abnormal function of the left temporal lobe, frontal lobe and walking pneumonia. The findings can be mostly correlated to my all symptoms. The Neurologist tried an antidepressant, but to no avail. The dizziness and foggy brain were worse. I need to say, I rarely drank, never smoked or did drugs, the reason possibly why I get all side effects of any medication. My PCP tried 3 other different meds, all without success. They made all my symptoms worse. None took the headaches away and Tylenol plus Ibuprofen does nothing for them.
I restarted training with weights and I was never Hulk strong or big, but regular exercise has improved my mental quality of life, plus it has made me strong as hell. I highly recommend exercising for all the obvious reasons. Gets you out of the house, helps with depression and gives you a sense of normalcy. I still have the right hand and body tremors, different degrees of headaches, insomnia every night, occasional diesel smell and all dependent on sleeping quality. The only medication I take is Ambien 12.5mg and it is hit or miss, but can't do without it. Melatonin only works for 2 weeks, just like Benadryl. Hate the taste of Valeriana tea and it does nothing for me. Lastly, the Amino Acid Tryptophan supplement is a bust too.
Oh well, I wanted to share my experience with this terrible virus and now I know, I am not crazy or alone.
The old saying that applies here is: "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger"
but I say: "But at what cost?" LOL


Welcome @sharho. Because your symptoms appear to be related to long COVID, I moved your post to the Post-COVID Recovery support group here:

Fellow members like @vash @vonpinnon @robinholly @aae @pattykakes have all mentioned dealing with internal vibrations in this related discussion:

- Anyone Found Help/Explanation for Long Covid Neurological Symptoms

They may have some experiences and tips to share with you.
@sharho, I find it curious that you get these vibrations when you are in presumably relaxed states, like falling asleep, upon waking or while meditating. I'd like to think this is part of the healing process (not a medical opinion). Do you have other neurological symptoms?

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Hello, I’ve had long Covid since 6-15-20 and off and on have had vibration , I know people don’t believe me when I told them but I know how you feel.


I have. It is from muscles--light spasms. If any circulatory disorder has been ruled out---it is muscle spasm.
It may diminish over time. Doing stretch exercises may help. Consult a physiotherapist if unsure of stretch exercises to do.


Hello, I’ve had long Covid since 6-15-20 and off and on have had vibration , I know people don’t believe me when I told them but I know how you feel.

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This is all very interesting to me. I am 65 in pretty good health and have noticed mild vibrations/tremors in my chest area for last few months but only while sleeping or in light state of sleep. I did have Covid for 1st time right around same time these sensations started but I don't know if it was before covid or after but suspecting after? The crazy thing is I started Paxlovid immediately upon testing positive and it kicked my covid almost immediately so I never had covid bad at all, just had symptoms for a couple days so definitely not long hauler type. I thought maybe this was from anxiety, which I have had (mild) for 30 years. But now I can't believe its from anxiety. This is so bizarre. Best to all.

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