← Return to Squamous Cell Vulvar Cancer: Who out there has this cancer?

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Currently awaiting my online appointment with my surgeon. Have had biopsy, CT and PET scans.
Trying to avoid tight pants, lol! So far just minor discomfort, but of course I am more aware since my diagnosis.
I am a 3- Day walker for Breast Cancer....so of course I get diagnosed with something I never even new existed!
I had been sharing with the nurse and PA how absolutely blessed I was to be so healthy and able at 61 to be participating in a 60 mile walk. Then the other shoe dropped, I guess. I agree with the previous comment that practitioners should share what they are looking for. I knew I had this "thing" down there for a while. Thought maybe my old episiotomy scar was irritated. Meant to ask about it and forgot until she asked me about it. Had I been better informed, I may not have waited.
We will see what that costs me once staging is complete.
Thank you for being here. Nobody knows except my husband yet.

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Replies to "Hello, Currently awaiting my online appointment with my surgeon. Have had biopsy, CT and PET scans...."

@sillywabbit. Your post shows that you are surprised and realistic at the same time. Were you stunned when you found out that the irritation you felt was something else? How are you feeling as you wait to meet with the surgeon?

I'm so glad to hear that your primary care provider does a thorough examination including external. It's a place on our body that we can easily see so don't notice anything until like you said we feel some irritation or pain.

Bravo to you for walking for breast cancer.

I hope your appointment with the surgeon will be very soon. Will you come back here and let me know what the treatment plan will be?

I have been dealing with a similar issue for almost two years now. Last year I was given so many antibiotics. They kept thinking it was just a infection. Mine is more in the higher area around the clitorris. It’s so painful. Having to wear lose pants all the time. Hurts to sit. I’m just feeling completely alone. I’ve been to my doctor so many times. He says this is the first time he’s seen this. He doesn’t think it’s cancer but I do. He did a small surgery thinking it was an infected cyst. That was in Nov. Everything seemed better until last week. I felt the same little bump/pebble and then a few days later it was inflamed and feeling like it was going to rupture. I’ve been sick for several days. My side hurts all the way around to my back. So glad to have found this group.