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I’m serious when I say I went to our local emergency room because I couldn’t breath and told the doctor I had long Covid his reply was “what’s that”😳

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Replies to "I’m serious when I say I went to our local emergency room because I couldn’t breath..."

Please check out resources for the Epstein Barr virus, It has been associated with Covid long haulers and COvid vaccine injury. Because the docs are clueless in so many medical situations, sufferers have gathered together too share their experiences of what has helped them overcome the effects of activation of the EBV (Epstein. Barr Virus. Two long hauler groups that have helped many people are Stuff that Works and Facebook Cocid Long Haulers. I have used Lysiine 500 mg plus olive leaf extract 500mg plus Inspired Nutrition scoop of MONOLAURN/ all 3 twice a day, I took other antiviral supplements but was helped most by eliminating gluten and dairy and protocol described herein. MOST people who are making some progress are sharng options that helped other long haulers. Best wishes for your recovery.

You might want to look at STASIS breathing program. It's a breathing retraining program that was designed originally for the military but is claimed to be effective in long COVID by the Mount Sinai Long COVID clinic. I have found relief with it.

I believe you. Same thing happened to me. Emergency room nurse asked “What’s that?” when I went in 2 months ago...
My husband and I didn’t believe our ears!
It’s my 2 yr anniversary fighting long haul Covid. I am 90% better and cannot attribute it to anything a doctor said or did....because they didn’t. I saw 5 neurologists, a rheumatologist, and others. All my bloodwork came back normal. 14 vials of blood, EMG, among other tests...all normal and I was horribly ill and in pain. So I proceeded to research and keep abreast of all attempts at explaining long haul Covid. And I am on 43 supplements now. I always did supplements, but I have added those that have been supported for long haul. I always have eaten healthy. I’m on no meds ...never have been. I decided that since my tests were normal and the fatigue was really the worst imaginable...that I would have to fight against it. So I slowly made myself follow a routine of brief exercise and worked my way back up to 45 minutes of daily at home exercise....weights, 20 mins walking on treadmill, resistance bands....and supplements big time. Laying in bed atrophies the muscles and weakens the bones. So if you don’t force yourself to move you will only get worse.
I am one of the only ones still wearing a mask at the supermarket and I wear it proudly. The fatigue lingers but no where near how bad it was.
I think the worst thing anyone does is to tell themself they can’t move...If you can’t get up and walk down the street and back...you need to be in rehab. The pain I had in thighs, back, arms for many months is gone. I still have tingling in my lower legs and bottom of feet. But no one told me it’s terminal so with a hope and a prayer and movement maybe it will repair. I’m convinced the virus residuals lingered in our bodies and its a slow process to rid ourselves of the inflammation...but I’m proof it can be done. Clean your house, dust, vacuum....anything to move. Moan if you have to but move!!!