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Urinary track infection

Kidney & Bladder | Last Active: Nov 29, 2022 | Replies (18)

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I have had repeated uti infections since may of 2022. The bacteria in the culture is the same each uti incident.. I take all the antibiotics prescribed and rid the infection. 2 weeks later I have an infection again with the same bacteria. This has been going on since MAY. My Dr. Wants me to stay on a low dose of antibiotic hoping to rid the bacteria that’s (stuck) in my bladder for 3 months or longer. I’ve tried cranberry pills, estriodol cream with no success. I’m willing to try this approach, but not too happy with it since this may cause c-diff or resistance to the antibiotic. Anyone here have the same experience and tried something different with success? Thanks,

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Replies to "I have had repeated uti infections since may of 2022. The bacteria in the culture is..."

@minischnauzer and all...Yep! Sounds a lot like my last few years. Last year I had 5 UTIs, all on various antibiotics, some recurred and came back with a roar...never cleared by the previous antibiotic. One I had sepsis and was on IV antibiotics which did a good job of clearing up my body's infection. I was sent to the Infections Disease Department at Mayo and put on an antibiotic daily for ongoing protection. Didn't work. I developed another UTI and then had several antibiotics trying to stop this one. Ckd for C-Diff and no, but still had trouble with each antibiotic tried as UTIs continued.

I now developed my own system for this...I take a probiotic recommended by a Mayo doctor, Progubolin, online at Research Verified website. It has saved me from horrible years of IBD. It worked! NO more IBD issues of any kind...very rarely. So, if I have to take an oral antibiotic, I take 1 probiotic in the morning, take the antibiotics and then take the regular probiotic at night. So, I take 2 daily, instead of the normal 1 daily. If I do develop dia1rrhea, I take
1 or 2 Lomotil tablets and then I'm fine until I finish the antibiotic script. It works! I did ck with the Mayo doc re the double probiotic and he said it was fine under these conditions. I'm kind of proud of myself for figuring out a way to beat the problems all on my own. Amazing the docs never got there before me!

I no longer take a prophylactic antibiotic. I use this system if I need it. Also, I take the UTI supplement from Research Verified. I've had 1 UTI since beginning that daily supplement. ONE! And, it cleared up with a 5-day antibiotic, not the usual 10-day order.
I think I'm on the way to vastly improved years. Hopefully...

I did some research into this company prior to the first order and the doctor's office agreed it was the probiotic they recommended. But, only after using it did I realize what a dear gift I was given. Haven't felt this good and normal in my adult life. So thankful for this insight.

I hope this helps someone with similar issues. May your journey be improved by my sharing my experiences. Blessings. Elizabeth

I had the same problem for 3 months . For 2 treatments it was for 5 days. The last time the Dr prescribed 10 days of the same antibiotic ( that has always worked for me).
I understand the fear of having anti-biotics not work and I am 75, but also it seems to me that 5 days is not always enough for stubborn infections.
I have heard of being on low dose of antibiotics for several months, but not known anyone that has done that.