← Return to Almost dead from Long COVID! HELP!!!!!

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My heart breaks for you. I’ve had it for six months and my issues are brain fog, memory issues, and fatigue. I can’t imagine having your symptoms for so long.

I hold onto hope because there is ongoing long Covid research. I’m part of the UIC/Mayo study ( I think they loop in Harvard also). From what I understand, they’re defining testing protocols. They’re exploring tests for multiple paths of systems- neurological, digestive, immune, cardio, etc. all those will move at different rates depending on progress. They can then define protocol and testing for clinical trials.

At my six month check in, they added a blood test for cortisol levels and an EKG. They’re also sending me for psych evaluation since the disease causes stress which can exacerbate the disease.

So I see things moving. I read an article saying the economic impact is lost productivity to long Covid with be $3 trillion dollars in the US for next year. I hope that leads to more research funding. I imagine most researchers and companies are focused on understanding new variants and vaccines- that’s where the money is at today.

I think of long Covid as the early stages of the AIDS epidemic when the medical community and people were just trying to understand what it is and how to identify it.

I believe, as a business person, that when long Covid is understood to be a real thing that can get an official diagnosis, doctors will be happy to treat people and companies will be happy to invest in R&D to treat it. It’s all a matter of resources and time.

That’s what gives me hope to fight every day. I believe science, AI, global organization, and our grass roots efforts will provide us relief.

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Replies to "My heart breaks for you. I’ve had it for six months and my issues are brain..."

Yes, both anecdotally and from what I read; long covid being chronic is likely to represent both the significance of covid both medically and in terms of social impact. Not all (long covid) clinics are in "the loop" in terms of sharing and providing information re: symptoms, treatment, etc. IMO, they are still focusing on treatment and waiting to see if there is an end to this (long covid). assume as the variants represent less severe outcomes that is also represented by the number and severity of long covid. That does not help those who are suffering from the Omicron version of long covid. In searching for a new Primary, I asked them how familiar they are with both treating covid and long covid and how close they listened to what I considered to be factors that played the biggest role in determining my quality of life. One can be suffering from diabetes and high blood, but if they have other symptoms that more greatly impact their quality of life; you need a doc who recognizes and appreciates that by having the desire to stay on top of what is current.

I am also suffering. It's been since the summer now 2022 that I have had off and on problems anything from cough no appetite allergies and now for the month of December I can't get out of bed. I have not had a bowel movement and I can't keep nothing not even water down. I have lost my job and my husband lost his also. We are about to loose our place of living no funds and no way to get help. I have anxiety so bad and the migraines are the worst. Where do I go? What am to do to get any resources to get out of this misery?

I can’t find a doctor who thinks it’s real. My primary doctor quit during covid. I don’t have any of the same doctors that I had before this. I try to explain that I was fine before Covid. I’m wasting away. All blood work and abdominal ct come back fine.