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Reversal of a fundoplication

Digestive Health | Last Active: Dec 24, 2022 | Replies (103)

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My son had a Nissan fundoliplication in 2014 and it started a living hell. The wrap was too tight and no matter how many dialitions were done (as it was explained when the wrap is too tight it's like trying to stretch a rubber band)! It won't work. He lost significant weight which has caused more health problems. I would encourage you to see if you can get to a Mayo clinic. My son's surgeon is awesome, Dr. Steven Bowers in Jacksonville. He undid the wrap and did the Linxs. You are able to eat and in fact must eat the day of surgery to keep the magnetic beads moving and not be taken over my scar tissue. My son due to losing so much weight now has a feeding tube and Dr. Bowers diagnosed with him SMA syrndorme. However, unbeknownst to any of us including Dr. Bowers. My 21 year old son's body makes very fibrous tough scar tissue. Therefore, only 2 out of 13 beads are currently moving and he still has difficulty swallowing and always will for the rest of his life. Which means he may have a feeding tube for the rest of his life too. But he's a different case. I would highly encourage you to find someone to talk with that knows intensive about the NF wrap and the augmentation of the Linxs. You can YouTube, Dr. Steven Bowers discussing the Linxs device.
Good luck!

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Replies to "My son had a Nissan fundoliplication in 2014 and it started a living hell. The wrap..."

@carolynlivingjaks Dr Bowers did two surgeries on me ( another surgeon did a nissen fundoplication undo). Dr Bowers is an awesome planner and surgeon and tries for the best solution for you or your family member. The nurses, techs, ect are pretty good there too. I had a paraesophageal hernia from hell.. just would not stay repaired. It kept pulling my stomach into my chest. I was on a feeding tube for over a year... for most of the time 24 hours a day and toting the bag around sucked.. propping 30° angle at night sucked. I still has esophagus problems from the damage of the years of acid. I see Dr Dawn Francis, gastroenterologist, and her NP for them.

Yes he is. When I saw him last August 2017. He said he was with my son until he's 100 percent well. Not many surgeon's care as much as he does. And Jenna his nurse! The best ever!


Thanks. I will have to look into Dr. Bowers. My original surgeon said he “doesn’t do” reversals or revisions. I’m glad to know there is a Dr that can help