Statin discontinued due to neuropathy. What are some alternatives?

Posted by Nazir Khan @nukhan, Jan 19, 2020

I have been using Lipitor since 2007 for lowering my cholesterol which is on the list of those medicines that are suspected to cause neuropathy. I am thinking of discontinuing this menace but before doing so want to check with those members who have discontinued using statin and what is their experience. What alternative methods have they since adopted for lowering their cholesterol .. diet, alternative medication, exercise or anything else ?

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My dr put me on nexlizet a new non statin cholestoral drug and it has brought down my cholestoral more than a statin. Legs still hurt but they feel its the neuropathy.

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According to the info, Nexlizet is taken with a statin. It has a lot of negative side effects.


According to the info, Nexlizet is taken with a statin. It has a lot of negative side effects.

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Thanks I just take it alone and it has lowered cholestoral Was very negative about trying but did and so far ok I am going to show article to my dr Thsnks


Very disturbing to see this discussion. I have taken Simvastatim for many years and have been suffering from peripheral neuropathy, and I am a pianist, so this is a serious problem to my playing, since I can't feel the pedal! I don't expect to be cured, but I'm pissed that no doctor ever mentioned it.


Very disturbing to see this discussion. I have taken Simvastatim for many years and have been suffering from peripheral neuropathy, and I am a pianist, so this is a serious problem to my playing, since I can't feel the pedal! I don't expect to be cured, but I'm pissed that no doctor ever mentioned it.

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@alces. I am so sorry this happened to you. I would be angry as well.


I read that cholesterol meds cause nerve damage causing neuropathy. This deems to be what caused my symptoms. Has anyone heard or read more on this. My doctor prescribed Gabapentin 300mg 3 times daily.


Diet can be huge,my Dr. And stomach,GI tract tells me that deep fried foods,Spicy and other unhealthy fats are bad for me. Adding vegatables,spinach,avacadoes ect help me. Diabetic and mediteranian diet help
Excercise is big fast way to bring down sugar spikes I have learned,even cleaning the bathroom or kitchen when weather is severe outside.


A Gerd diet has worked wonders for me post triple bypass. KEPT the acid away, lowered cholesterol, exercise pain free.


I read that cholesterol meds cause nerve damage causing neuropathy. This deems to be what caused my symptoms. Has anyone heard or read more on this. My doctor prescribed Gabapentin 300mg 3 times daily.

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09med02 - I also heard and read the same. In my opinion, it is something that can cause PN but I feel only a test can prove it and that is a problem in itself. As we know, other things can also cause PN, other meds such as antibiotics and exposure to toxins, some supplements and who knows what else that has not yet been discovered. For me, the age factor has to be a clue. What percentage of people get PN in their 30's or 40's and how many over 50 or 60 years of age develop PN without any known cause. Meds? For me, I think you have a solid point and I'll agree with you. I doubt the drug companies will ever come forward.


I was diagnosed with cholesterol count of 380 in late eighties. Took every statin several different times with same result of muscle pain. Then my heart doctor was involved with a national test of Repatha, a new cholesterol medicine that was not in the statin family. Took a good fight with Medicare and TriCare, but he eventually got it approved for me. Three months later, his nurse sent me a note with a little heart on it and my new cholesterol count of 120 - total. I was being treated for Demyelinating Peripheral Neuropathy during this time.


According to the info, Nexlizet is taken with a statin. It has a lot of negative side effects.

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Do you know about ezetimibe

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