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From Healthline:
"If you have high cholesterol, consider adding beet juice to your diet.
A 2011 study on rats found that beetroot extract lowered total cholesterol and triglycerides and increased HDL, or “good,” cholesterol. It also reduced oxidative stress on the liver.
Researchers believe beetroot’s cholesterol-lowering potential is likely due to its phytonutrients, such as flavonoids."

Beets are also great for lowering blood pressure.

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Replies to "From Healthline: "If you have high cholesterol, consider adding beet juice to your diet. A 2011..."

My opinion regarding beet juice for cholesterol: Better to eat fresh or canned beets or beet powder mixed in other food than to drink beet juice because like most juices, beet juice is high in sugar. Beet juice contains 16 g. of sugar per serving, while the other forms of beets contain only 3 to 4 g.