@terradean. That sounds very stressful to be getting confusing information from different directions like that. Have you tried looking at the pathology reports for your hysteroscopy and hysterectomy specimens in the hospital's patient portal? Those reports should state directly what the oncologists are looking at to make their treatment decisions. Some things to look for are
1) the type of cancer and Grade. On my pathology reports, this is near the top under "Final Diagnosis". Mine says "Endometrial adenocarcinoma endometrioid type FIGO Grade 3." Grade is an indication of how much the cells in the tumor look like normal endometrial cells under the microscope. Grade 1 means they look pretty similar to normal cells, which usually means the cancer is less aggressive. Grade 3 means they don't look much at all like normal cells, which usually means the cancer is more aggressive. There can also be different types of cells such as "serous" or "clear cell", which is a different from "endometrioid". These other types are all Grade 3.
2) the Stage. On my report this is closer to the bottom under "Synoptic Report". Mine is "FIGO Stage (2018 FIGO Cancer Report): IB: Invasion equal to or more than half
of the myometrium." The stage is an indication of how much the cancer has spread. From your description, it sounds like yours is IIIA, which the American Cancer Society website defines as "The cancer has spread to the outer surface of the uterus (called the serosa) and/or to the fallopian tubes or ovaries (the adnexa) (T3a)."
You can also look at "Lymphovascular Invasion" which is also under the "Synoptic Report" on my report and the "immunohistochemical stains" for "p53", which will be reported as positive or negative. Lymphovascular invasion means that the cancer has entered the system that carries lymph fluid. Mine was positive. p53 is a gene that when mutated (reported as "positive" on the pathology report) is associated with more aggressive cancers. Mine was positive for this too.
The oncologists use these things to determine the level of risk that the cancer has spread, even though they can't detect any tumors elsewhere in your body or in your lymph nodes. Cancer cells may be lurking somewhere and will grow into tumors later if they aren't killed with chemo and radiation now. You should ask your doctors, but your Stage IIIA is probably the main reason for the aggressive treatment plan.
I'm having chemo and vaginal brachytherapy, even though my lymph nodes were negative and I don't have any known tumors after the hysterectomy, because I have a trifecta of high grade (Grade 3), greater than 50% myometrial invasion, positive for lymphovascular invasion, and positive for p53.
I've had two rounds of chemo so far and have found it tolerable. On the day of the infusion and for two days afterwards I have felt pretty good, and would have been able to work my desk job if I hadn't already quit. (This is probably because of all the other drugs they infuse like steroids and anti-nausea meds). I'm not sure about a job on your feet. The next 2-3 days I felt very tired, was uninterested in eating, and would not have been much good at work. But after that I felt fine again. Something about the chemo gives me brutal constipation, and I'm still trying to figure out how to use Miralax properly. My hair started falling out after 2 weeks, and now at almost 5 weeks, it is very thin with lots of scalp showing through. I'm looking forward to this being over.
Good luck to you.
@val64 Thank you for your excellent description and explanation. It's a guide for any of us trying to read and understand their pathology report.
It sounds like you are tolerating the chemotherapy pretty well other than the terrible constipation. I hope you continue on this path so that you have just a few days in-between when you are fatigued and don't have an appetite. I can imagine that you are looking to the future when the chemo will be finished.
What is your treatment plan? Will there be any other treatment after you finish chemotherapy?