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I have chronically, likely congenital, high cholesterol and am unable to tolerate any of the known statins as they all cause severe and frightening muscle cramps.

My diet is a work-on-progress as I'm struggling to cut out any and all refined foods but have added a lot of fresh vegetables and pectin-rich fruits.

The most recent bloodwork showed a reduction in total cholesterol and, interestingly, the highest level of HDL that the tests have ever shown. My theory, based on zero science I hasten to add, is that pectin and fiber might 'scoop' up fats as they meander through the GI tract. And keep a lot of it unavailable for plaque-formation or arterial buildup.

I say this as I had a similar result decades ago when, coincidentally, eating a lot of fresh produce and making no other changes. So I'm motivated to continue to improve diet for health reasons and my own unofficial science experiment. [I also had a calcium score of 0 at that earlier time. The most recent calcium score was 4, five years ago. All of my deceased relatives died of 'heart attacks' or stroke, so high cholesterol was a big worry. A good echocardiogram and endopat score helped reassure me a lot.]

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Replies to "I have chronically, likely congenital, high cholesterol and am unable to tolerate any of the known..."

My mother had high cholesterol….total over 300. She refused to take statins. She died at 94…NOT of a heart attack or stroke.

My dr put me on nexlizet a new non statin cholestoral drug and it has brought down my cholestoral more than a statin. Legs still hurt but they feel its the neuropathy.