@bens1. Have you decided which approach you would like to do?
My brother was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2020 and he had a radical prostatectomy. We are very close so he talked with me about his worries and the decisions he was trying to make.
I can't answer your question because honestly I don't know. Whether you choose a radical prostatectomy or another approach such as radiation therapy you will be monitored very carefully over time as my brother is now. This is a question to ask your doctors. The biopsy will provide you with more information that you can talk with your doctors about.
Are you in the U.S.? If so, are you going to a comprehensive cancer center where all of the providers, services and procedures are coordinated? Here is a list of National Cancer Institutes where they provide treatment, conduct research, and are up on all the latest research.
-- https://www.cancer.gov/research/infrastructure/cancer-centers
Your biopsy is coming up next week. Will you come back and let us know about the results? You are getting good support and information from the members who have been where you are now.
Thanks @naturegirl5
From the generous feedback I have received here, from what I have read and listened to that there is a real conflict industry wide as to which is best (via the doctors), internal conflicts of interest (by the doctors) and to some degree best guesses based on data. That’s not to say doctors are not doing their best only that it seems my decision may be based more on quality of life choices/comfort/convenience choices if the two general solutions have basically the same results, doctors skills notwithstanding.
I am in the US, Florida. It’s also one thing finding a surgeon who has done robotic prostatectomy many times successfully and another thing finding the right urologist/oncologist team who is skilled at making those chemical and radiation choices (given biopsy, pathology and genetic testing) that yield the best results while minimizing the side effects.
I will be back to talk about results and suggestions by the doctors and hope it helps someone.