← Return to Post COVID: Anyone experiencing internal vibrations?

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TLDR: Took lots of magnesium (4 pills a day) and was fine in 24h. Check my post above for steps what worked for me and what was irrelevant and what made it worse.

My symptom of internal vibrations started in march 2022, 3 month after covid (might have been my second covid though fully vaccinated). At first I did not take much attention to this bizarre bed movements and thought that my wife is moving around. This went on till august when I was 3 weeks already on enjoyable vacations, but due to extreme heats and having parents over that generated slightly elevated stress and lack of sleep and lots of alcohol, huge feasts and at that time I caught some virus (not covid, but later we were all coughing for over a month) which lead to an episode of full body electricity which triggered a panic attack as it felt as if something is wrong with my heart. ER and my personal doctor were as puzzled as me and said that it was non specific anxiety and gave me diazepam and lorazepam. This two prescription medicines did not help much and I had 3 agonising weeks due to anxiety and panic attacks. ECG was showing elevated hart rate and they did not help much with calming me down. After consulation with the doctor I went off lorezepam, but kept taking valerians, then I noticed that this valerians are making electricity worse so I stopped that and started walking. Still having occasional lighter and less frequent panic attacks, but electricity was going through my heart, felt pain in arm and like needle stabbing heart - all this seemed like anxiety, though I did not feel worried, sad or overthinking, but I was over observing myself and felt frustrated. Did many measurements with Apple watch ECG and blood pressure - enough that I was convinced that my heart was fine though elevated rate and that this must be some symptoms of anxiety which diverted my attention to covid. Got armed with information and started experimenting, tried acupuncture (waste of time, though some with anxiety for lack of dopamine report great success), tried breathing exercises, yoga ... all with limited success, in case of a crisis ice on the neck and submerging face in ice cold water helped, swimming in fresh pool also helped a great deal. Tried alcohol again - oh wow that worked wonders, but clearly was not a permanent solution. Then I finally got my holter test that fully confirmed my heart was fine, which removed or at least reduced my anxiety and all that was left were internal vibrations and electricity, now my palms no longer sweated I was rather excited for a new round just to test various stuff and once I started pumping in lots of magnesium (4 pills a day) vibrations and electricity got down to a minimum in 1 day and it keeps being off long enough that I can recommend it. So I highly recommend trying simple and safe magnesium pills. Now the only time I still feel something is after a short nap and I am optimistic that this will get resolved soon. I guess it is our immune system screwing up with nerves and unpleasant feeling triggering anxiety like symptoms (referring to the heart). I fully agree with you, make sure you go to a doctor of western medicine as this is the only qualified person to rule out serious conditions. But as it seems like we have gone through this in this thread without a solution I wanted to share what worked for me in hopes that somebody else can also have some much deserved peace. As I too came to this form searching for answers.

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Replies to "TLDR: Took lots of magnesium (4 pills a day) and was fine in 24h. Check my..."

I'm glad you came to Connect searching for answers and I hope you are comfortably navigating the community. In case you have not dove into other long-COVID conversations to learn from, here's a link to all related post-COVID topics.

Post COVID Recovery -
- https://connect.mayoclinic.org/group/post-covid-recovery-covid-19/

It sounds like you've got a handle on understanding when you say, "I guess it is our immune system screwing up with nerves and unpleasant feeling triggering anxiety like symptoms." Pretty good assessment.

Have you had a chance to watch the explanation from Dr. Sletten about central sensitization? I think you'd find it helpful.

Glad to hear you are feeling better
I have also been having internal vibrations
Like a buzzing In my lower extremities
It started at night while laying down
Now it’s been all day
Of course it’s making me anxious as well
Can you please share what magnesium supplements you found success with ?
Thank you 🙏