Side Effects of Shingles Vaccine

Posted by ssbionicknee @ssbionicknee, Sep 20, 2018

I got the flu shot and the new shingles vaccination 3 days ago. Today I started feeling sick to my stomach. I've never had a reaction to the flu shot and was wondering if anyone else felt sick after getting the shingles vaccine?

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On November 30, 2021, I got the first Shingrix vaccination. A few days later, I noticed that the bathroom floor was giving under me (like the floor boards were not strong). Then over the next several weeks, I realized that I was having the same sensation in other rooms, even outdoors on concrete sometimes, and in parking garages. Floors that should have been totally stable were not. From the very beginning, I talked to others about it, including my doctors, but no one seemd to know what to think, except that it seemed to be some kind of vertigo.
I researched and found references to “rocking dizziness” and “mal de debarquement.” I found Dizziness and (the Chicago Dizziness and Hearing Center. I was reassured by my understanding from them that this condition does eventually go away, although it may take a long time.
I went to the University of Washington Neurology Clinic, who had no idea what I had and referred me to the UW Otology Clinic, who eventually gave me four hours of exams, with the conclusion that they could not find labyrinthitis or anything else.
Over time, I notice the sensation less, but I do still notice it at times, especially under stress.
I have not gotten the second dose of Shingrix.
About a week ago, Googling “Shingrix vertigo” I discovered this chat line and the 2020 entry by @carolandersonl.

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I had the same reaction after the second shot that lasted 3 days. The vertigo was horrendous. The first shot’s reaction lasted about 24 hours. I have had shingles and would gladly do it again instead of having vertigo for 3 days.


I had the first dose of Shingrix on October 30, 2018. I imediatley had an allergic reaction. The next norning I fell to the floor after waking up and wound up in the ER with such severe vertigo that I wasn't sure I could survive it. Was diagnosed with vestibular neuropathy by my ENT doctor. Eventually I tried physical therapy which helped but didn't stop the spinning from occuring on occassion. My primary care doctor prescribed 2 mg of Valium at bedtime which seems to help. However, it's been four years and I still can't look up at the sky, watch my grandkids on the merry go round, bend over from the waist and then suddenly straighen up, etc. Neither GSK nor VAERs seemed the least bit interested. I didn't get the second Shingrex vaccination and have no plans to do so. Waiting for the class action suit against GSK which I WILL join!


Sorry for typos. Also meant to say vestibular neuritis...


On Tuesday 9/20/2022, I went to my local Walmart pharmacy to get a Shingles vaccine, which was recommended to me by the pharmacist. I was feeling fine with no sickness symptom. There was no problem with the vaccination and I waited 5 minutes before I went shopping for a few things. Everything was okay for about 10 minutes and then I began feeling pressure in the center of my chest. I have had 3 heart attacks and the first one started out just like this, feeling pressure on my chest just like it was happening. My first thought was omg, I’m going to have a heart attack. Within minutes, I was having level 5/6 pain in my heart. I immediately checked out and waited for the local bus to take me home.

Things started to go downhill sitting in the bus, palpitations, dizziness, nausea, and the overall sense of not feeling well. By that evening, I was running a fever of 100.2, had a sore throat, runny nose, coughing, all the symptoms of having the flu but how and why so quickly. I had not been out of my apartment in 4 days. Then I had jolts of nasty heart pain, level 7/8, palpitations and the feeling of gloom and doom. I fell asleep and woke up the next morning sick as a dog. I knew something was definitely wrong, heart pain, palpitations, sickness, the whole nine yards. I finally wondered if the Shingles vaccine had to do anything with me going thru this mess.

So I Google for Shingles Vaccine side effects and bingo. Boy did I get a wake up call, I never realized so much could go wrong. I had trusted my pharmacist’s judgement because he knows my medical history. The more I read about the side effects, the more I knew I was in trouble. So I checked for rare side effects, naturally they’re the kind my body seems to love getting. Turns out my heart issues and sickness can be caused in rare cases, guess who has them? ME!!!!! That’s right, my “Freak of Nature” body decided to complicate my life, even kill me in my sleep. All my symptoms, heart issues included, can be triggered by the SHINGLES VACCINE.

Get this, it can even trigger flu like symptoms, OMG, that’s me. I read information from the manufacturer and they seem sympathetic enough and want to know about any adverse side effects. So you’re advised to fill out a report on the VARES website which is linked to the CDC, yes, that CDC. So I contacted my pharmacist, went to my Doctor yesterday, got advice from them and called the toll free number. A very nice lady in Mississippi answered my call and for the next 20 minutes took down all the pertinent information they needed. She needed all my side effects documented, my Doctor’s name and phone number and was very pleasant to talk with. She was even concerned about my health. So my question is this, has anyone else had such unusual and dangerous rare side effects? Remember, I could have had a fatal heart attack with my heart being so weak. And I still have all the symptoms and they’re getting worse.

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My doctor has recommended it to me. Then my mother’s sister (closer to my age) she got and told my mother that she got deathly sick (she’s a retired RN). She told my mother, who has had shingles and me not to get the vaccine. She was down sick for a week. I crossed it out in MyChart. I don’t mind needles but if it’s going to make me deathly ill? That’s a big fat NO!


@ssbionicknee I had Shingles shot and felt miserable plus stayed in bed all day.


The second shot wasn't near as bad. I was afraid to get it because of the side effects from the first shot. I was relieved that I didn't have any side effects.


My knees have swelled up every time I’ve had the covid vaccine but I was okay with the shingles vaccine.


I never had Shingles but had the 1st shot of the GSK Vaccine in March 2020 per the recommendation of my internist since I had “ chicken pox as child. What a mistake.
I had a horrible reaction and it is now January 2021 and I am still suffering. My internist told me under no circumstance get the second dose .
I contacted the CDC and reported my reaction on a voicemail (2x) a week apart and have to laugh at the representative that eventually responded (month later).
I had completed a form on line within a day of my reactions .
The CDC person’s response was limited to parroting back to me what I had submitted on the form a month prior.
I did get a “Lawyer Letter”- release - from GSK asking me to give GSK access to all my medical records a few weeks after that. I decided not to agree.
There has been no further contact from GSK or CDC.
I have continue to experience severe peripheral neuropathy, chills, “goose bumps” , extensive itching on both my arms from my shoulders down my arms to the back of my hands and regular numbness in the fingers on both my hands. A similar reaction is occurring on both my legs from knees to my feet , extreme itching
( ankles and top off both my feet).
So intense is that reaction that I have cut my finger nails to the point comparable to a “nail biter” . The result of scratching in my sleep to the point causing injuries.
I have tried various prescription skin creams containing steroids which reduced the itching however resulted in my skin becoming paper thin which I had to discontinue.

I have also been advised by my internist NOT to take the COVID vaccine.
I have done my own research with no input from CDC or GSK.
I am not optimistic that the alleged time frames for these horrible reactions to cease are accurate. I have changed my diet, eliminated
all potential “trigger foods/beverage”.

Getting the GSK Shingrex vaccine was one of the biggest mistakes of life.

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I got my 2 Shringrix vaccines on 8/7/18 and 2/7/19 I had the extreme flu-like symptoms for one day after each vaccine. But the worst part is that I started have pain in my hands and feet. I started have neuropathy and shooting pains in my head. My hands hurt to drive. My feet felt like that entire bottom of them were bruised. Also my anxiety has gotten worse. On 4/1/19 I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder. Even now I have severe pain in my feet if I going shopping for about an hour. The pain in my hands has gotten progressively worse. I had no idea that these type side effects were possible. I wish I had never gotten the Shringrix vaccine!


On 11/14/2020, I received the first dose of the Shingrix vaccine. I was very tired for 3 days. Immediately after that, it felt like the floor or ground was severely rocking under me when I walked or stood. It felt like trying to walk on a boat in a storm. After two weeks, I had a tele-med visit with a nurse practitioner who said it might be crystals in the inner ear. It continues, but is less severe. Have been mostly housebound, I’ve also had headaches. I read that shingles can cause ear infection or nerve damage, Even now, Dec 12, I sometimes veer to the side when walking, I asked the pharmacist about this ( he gave the injection, did not advise about fatigue ) but he quickly said it was definitely not related to Shingrix. 1. Is there a possible connection? 2. Should I risk the second Shingrix vaccination? I’m loathe to have further damage.

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It is related. I also had vertigo after getting the vaccine. Seemed like I was on a slow carousel. I'm sure GSK doesn't want to list that as one of the possible side effects. I'm also wondering if I should get the second one.


I just had my 1st shot of Shingrix (2.14.23), and the first day, no issues. I was warned I could get a headache. No headache. Second day, dizzy, lightheaded, feeling like I was drugged, I was so tired. Completely fatigued the whole day, loss of appetite, and had to leave work early, not sure if I was going to lose my bowels, my stomach was just churning and churning. Chills, and fever 100.4. Got home and went to bed. Third day, woke up with a sore throat and canker sores inside my mouth, less tired, but still feeling out of it, and had muscle aches. Phoned my physician and confirmed all possible side effects. Today is day 4, sore throat is still raging (COVID negative-several test completed), and easily fatigued. My second shot is scheduled for April-scared and concerned, also I’ve not had shingles.

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