Chronic Pain members - Welcome, please introduce yourself

Posted by Kelsey Mohring @kelseydm, Apr 27, 2016

Welcome to the new Chronic Pain group.

I’m Kelsey and I’m the moderator of the group. I look forwarding to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Why not take a minute and introduce yourself.

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@grandmar and @JustinMcClanahan, yes. I totally agree. Tramadol is certainly my drug of choice. Unfortuunately, my doctor has decided to no longer prescribe ANY opoids, so I take 6 to 9 ES Tylenol each day while I search for another avenue of relief. They aren't as good as Tramadol, and I know they are slowly eating my liver, but at this juncture I'm ready to try most anything. Lyrica doesn't work. Take care, @cognac

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Does Tramadol effect the liver?


Does Tramadol effect the liver?

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It depends. Tramadol is metabolized in the liver, so the potential for damage exists. In high doses, it can cause liver damage. In an overdose situation, it can cause acute liver failure. If you already have a compromised liver (fatty liver, cirrhosis or other problems) it is better to choose a different medication. If Tramadol is being prescribed for long term use, a baseline liver panel and periodic blood tests are recommended to watch for problems. People with diabetes, glaucoma, asthma and some other conditions need to be monitored closely when using Tramadol. Interactions between Tramadol, alcohol and certain other drugs can be dangerous.



It depends. Tramadol is metabolized in the liver, so the potential for damage exists. In high doses, it can cause liver damage. In an overdose situation, it can cause acute liver failure. If you already have a compromised liver (fatty liver, cirrhosis or other problems) it is better to choose a different medication. If Tramadol is being prescribed for long term use, a baseline liver panel and periodic blood tests are recommended to watch for problems. People with diabetes, glaucoma, asthma and some other conditions need to be monitored closely when using Tramadol. Interactions between Tramadol, alcohol and certain other drugs can be dangerous.


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Thank you! Which blood test is highly recommended to check on the liver for fatty liver or cirrhosis?


Thank you! Which blood test is highly recommended to check on the liver for fatty liver or cirrhosis?

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I'm sorry, I'm not a doctor, so not up on the specific jargon. Because I am "no longer a kid," have a few chronic conditions, take meds, etc, my PCP routinely orders a battery of annual blood tests and I just hold out my arm and let them take their 5 vials of blood.
Here is what Mayo Clinc says is included in a "Liver Panel" - afterwards, the provider must interpret it in the context of your overall health:



I had radio frequency ablation for trigeminal neuralgia in September and I’m having terrible swelling around my eye on the left side above the temple. My ablation was don on the left side as well


Also, I was told to alternate ibuprofen and Tylenol, but it does nothing. I am planning to go to a pain management clinic here in the Quad Cities. I had one trip to the ER. I’m running out of options


Many of us are in the same boat, tired of pain & being treated: PT, injections, RFA, PRP, surgeries, Opiates, Nsaids, wet/dry needles, Spinal Cord Stimulator implant, etc.
I stopped seeing Pain <anagement Dr after the 1st couple of visits. Felt like I was sitting in a room of addicts.
I get my pain meds from a DO.

In the process of someting different by a Natural Pathic Dr.
EV-Pure is an acellular, multi-step filtered nanoparticle allograft derived from 5% placental bundle along with umbilical cord tissue to provide the widest breadth of growth factors and signaling molecules, designed to be delivered via IV.

Had this infusion procedure this past Wed.
I hope that it helps.
It's not cheap, $6900, out of pocket for one IV Infusion.


Many of us are in the same boat, tired of pain & being treated: PT, injections, RFA, PRP, surgeries, Opiates, Nsaids, wet/dry needles, Spinal Cord Stimulator implant, etc.
I stopped seeing Pain <anagement Dr after the 1st couple of visits. Felt like I was sitting in a room of addicts.
I get my pain meds from a DO.

In the process of someting different by a Natural Pathic Dr.
EV-Pure is an acellular, multi-step filtered nanoparticle allograft derived from 5% placental bundle along with umbilical cord tissue to provide the widest breadth of growth factors and signaling molecules, designed to be delivered via IV.

Had this infusion procedure this past Wed.
I hope that it helps.
It's not cheap, $6900, out of pocket for one IV Infusion.

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Thanks for responding to me. I can’t afford 6900 dollars.
This swelling I have is directly affecting my mental health, as it is pushing against my frontal lobe. When I don’t have the swelling I’m fine. The big problem is when start swelling up it is very hard on me. This also affects my wife who worries about my mental health. Sometimes I talk about jumping off a bridge and I don’t want her constantly worrying about me


@sdgoddard I'm so sorry about your horrible headache this morning. Thankfully, you have migraine meds. Have they helped? What a gift your wife is and how nice that she massages your neck and back. Does ice temporarily relieve any of your neuralgia or migraine pain?

If you are feeling like you need assistance, call or text 988, the 988 Suicide & Crisis:


Have you sought the support of a psychologist during this challenging time? Learning coping strategies and stress management tools can help you work towards feeling more in control of your pain versus the other way around. Positive self-talk helps me a lot, and getting through the next 5 minutes.

When you're overwhelmed, it feels real difficult to handle, but I think you are stronger than you realize. You are persevering to find answers and an understanding of your diagnosis so that you can move forward to a plan of action. Be proud of that and keep your focus on hope. There IS HOPE. Give yourself grace. You've got this!

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Hello Rachel. I had a radio frequency ablation done in Sept. and I’ve had some severe swelling. My latest thing is a tens unit. Seems to be providing some relief. I also going to a pain management clinic this week. My doctors say it will go down, the swelling I mean. Can’t always take their word for it. Lucky I have a damn good wife.


Hello Rachel. I had a radio frequency ablation done in Sept. and I’ve had some severe swelling. My latest thing is a tens unit. Seems to be providing some relief. I also going to a pain management clinic this week. My doctors say it will go down, the swelling I mean. Can’t always take their word for it. Lucky I have a damn good wife.

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Also thanks for your kindness.

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