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Good evening @ericsr, I also would like to welcome you to Connect in addition to @colleenyoung. You have legitimate questions about the products that can help with osteoporosis. I have lived through the last few years with similar "wonderments", my word for the often mysterious information about side effects.

First of all, Yes, Evenity builds bone. Prolia does not. What Prolia does is protect the bone that you have carefully built. In fact, Evenity is the only current osteoporosis medication that does both......build bone and then protect it. Here is another source for you. Evenity and Prolia are products of the same company......Amgen. If you would like, you can call them and talk to one of their team of medical professionals about your questions and concerns.

Prolia, on the other hand, does not build bone. And it is not a medication that you can stop for any reason without risking fractures. My personal experience with Prolia was rather frightening because of joint pain and some jaw pain. I asked for a consult from my endocrinologist at Mayo Clinic so that I could leave Prolia and move to a safer option.

Although previously I had reactions to bisphosphonates, he felt confident that it was because the dosage was given every six months and that large dosage was too much medication for my body to handle well. He prescribed weekly pills of alendronate and I am very satisfied with the outcome.

There are answers to be found. It does take time. Instead of Evenity I started with Tymlos and did daily injections for two years. That also worked well and I am glad that I was able to take advantage of the bone building that I received from that medication. Also, remember that Tymlos is a daily dosage....not an every six months dosage which may also work better for you.

@windyshores is also finishing her two years of Tymlos. She found the "click" option helpful. With that capability, you can start with 1 or 2 clicks and work your way up without unnecessary exposure to side effects.

Please ask any questions that you have. We have an experienced group here which can be helpful to everyone. It is all about sharing on Connect.

Is your cancer just a memory now?

May you be safe, free, and protected from inner and outer harm.

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Replies to "Good evening @ericsr, I also would like to welcome you to Connect in addition to @colleenyoung...."

Hi Chris, did you initially treat with the the BPs every 6 months and then move to the Tymlos? I am wondering about your course of treatment.
Thank you for your post.