← Return to Spouse with cognitive problems and finances


Spouse with cognitive problems and finances

Caregivers: Dementia | Last Active: Dec 30, 2022 | Replies (290)

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Bill got to come home last Tuesday after about a month in the hospital and skilled NH. The therapy at the NH did wonders for him. He is now receiving some home health - which he doesn't want - for a few weeks. Still not eating well. During the time he was away he lost 20 pounds! Gained a few back but haven't weighed him recently. They took him off his medication for high BP and put him on one for low BP.

Yesterday he claimed he was up 11 times to pee (wants his pee bottle back but the last 3 falls he had were all related to his spilling the bottle, trying to walk on the slippery pee and falling). I normally am aware of when he gets up at night and only remember two times - not 11! We have a camera set up for the kitties so moved it so we could check on Bill - last night he didn't get up once. Will be interesting to see how many times he thinks he got up. I also put a notepad and pen in the bathroom so he could note how many times he is going (has an upcoming doctor's appointment so need a better grip on actual times due to medications). Like a ninny I forgot to check the pad when I got up at 6am - just looked and he is showing about 5 marks - camera still on so it should show when he got up after me.
Dobby, one of the kitties, joins him in bed every morning. We have a rescue kitty, Cutie, hiding under the couch. Cutie is the reason for the cameras to make sure he is coming out to eat, drink and use litter box at night. Can also access from phone so if Robin and I are not we will know if Bill is having problems. He can no longer use a phone unless I dial/answer for him and hold it so he is on speaker phone.

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Replies to "Bill got to come home last Tuesday after about a month in the hospital and skilled..."

If not one thing it is another. Now he is apparently having explosive bowel moments - sometimes before he gets on the toilet. Apparently he was having them at the nursing home as well. Cleaned up after himself so no one, including me, would know. But then almost passes out in getting back to his chair. He thinks the new medication, Midodrine (to bring his BP up) is causing it.
Home health is supposed to have a nurse and/or doctor visit.
One minute he is saying he feels so good he knows he will make it to 105 - then later he announces he is dying and knows the doctors are keeping it from him.

Using the cameras is a great idea - can’t argue with that proof!
Have you tried Depends at night or won’t he wear them? There is regular underwear that is made with extra padding and I wear these at night - better than Depends because they are washable. They are expensive but they work. You can add extra padding if you need to.
Maybe tell his doctor about the explosions and medication might need adjustment.

Hello Julie
My name is Trisha, I've been following your posts for a while now. May I ask why Bill was in the hospital.