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I had covid in January of 21. Very mild case with only fatigue, brain fog, and shortness of breath walking up stairs. Two to three weeks after I started experiencing significant bloating and belching as well as premature ventricular contractions. The bloating seemed to cause the pvcs. I am still suffering from bloating and pvcs. I have had a multitude of tests. Endoscopy, colonoscopy, ultrasound of my entire stomach, stool tests, urine tests, SIBO breath test, etc. All tests were negative, except for a polyp on my gallbladder that my gastro Dr. isn’t concerned about. I have adjusted my diet significantly which has helped somewhat. So many Dr appointments and tests over the last year and a half. Diet suggestions -avoid anything fatty and fried, dairy, gluten, and sugar. Focus on fruits, vegetables, nuts, fish, chicken, and wild game. An occasional beef filet doesn’t seem to bother me but a ribeye does.
I found an article written by a world renowned acupuncturist named Jill Blakemore. She helped a patient with my exact symptoms but is what pre-Covid. I reached out to her and have had a couple of telehealth appointments. I started going to a local acupuncturist and Jill communicated with her. However, the acupuncture didn’t seem to help. Jill also suggested a mixture of Chinese herbs that seemed to help my bloating significantly. Alternative treatments aren’t for everyone which I totally understand. For me I was at a point of desperation. And I can definitely say it helped. She changed the formula 3 different times as I improved and was hoping to help reduce/eliminate the pvcs. It did help with the pvcs but not as much as I would hope. Ultimately I would suggest Chinese Herbs after a consult with someone reputable. Unfortunately, I think (fingers crossed) it’s also a time thing. I am also doing pro and pre biotics. Still have issues but not every day so there are improvements. I also notice anxiety/stress causes me to bloat and have pvcs. Exercise will help your stomach as well and will help reduce any stress.

If anyone else has suggestions please post them for both bloating and pvcs.

Hope this is helpful.

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Replies to "I had covid in January of 21. Very mild case with only fatigue, brain fog, and..."

I had covid in Nov.2021 and was hospitalized with acute respiratory failure. Antibiotics and steroids helped and I was home, on oxygen as needed after 3 days.

After 5 months of pulmonary rehabilitation my breathing and ability to do mild exercise has improved but I still have spasms of the diaphragm, acid reflux, bloating, unaccountable weight gain and vocal cord issues. All of these issues started after Covid.

Taking probiotics 3 times a day, DGL (a safe form of licorice root extract) 20 minutes before each meal, antacids as needed and a low acid diet has helped. I believe that diet is the most important factor. Some antacids will interfere with absorption of medications so it is very important to do the necessary research.

Exercise of core muscles also helps with reflux as this helps me to keep my sphincter working better and this does not have to be a difficult exercise to do. And, yes, anxiety does make reflux worse.

Thank you for your information on Chinese herbs. I will look into this.

Have had Long Covid since March 2022. SIBO symptoms until I visited large, reputable and locally owned Herbal shop.
Saccharomyces boulardii only vs more expensive combos of various pre- and probiotics WORKS.