← Return to Post COVID: Anyone experiencing internal vibrations?

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To Mentors/Moderators:
I'm new on this feed. Here is my story in short: Diagnosed with Non-Sustained Ventricular Tachycardia I 47.2 and PVC's I 49.3 in 2017. Given Metoprolol did not tolerate due to GI symptoms. Given Bystolic did well took it for 12 months daily. At 12 mth follow up was told I could PRN it. Had no symptoms after that at all for 4 years. History of tinnitus 15 years. Has been worse the last 4 yrs.
Had COVID 4/28/22 very mild case. Husband had COVID Aug 31st very mild case as well. I was exposed of course but did't get COVID again. Neither of us were vaccinated. Our primary care Dr was hesitant with our heart backgrounds. On about Sept 23rd I woke up to heart symptoms (like in 2017) and this new odd symptom. LEG VIBRATIONS. I was a former Chiropractic assistant that did therapy on patients. I described these leg sensations like the electric stimulation (E-Stim) I used on patients that never goes away. After a couple of weeks it progressed into my thoracic region. Front, back and sides depending on how I was laying. Most of my symptoms increased at night. Or laying down for a nap mid day. NONE of my Dr's would address this, only cared about my heart of course. I kept saying it's too odd that BOTH heart/vib's same at the same time! I was put back on he Bystolic which in turn helped the Vibrations! That was another google search! However.... now the tinnitus and a new 'ear congestion' feeling has come about from the Bystolic. My Right ear is like being up in an airplane and wants to pop. I don't feel pressure, just the clogged/no hearing symptom. So a call into my Cardio Dr. to switch RX has resulted in him reaching back out to the 'Electrical Cardiologist' to recommend another RX outside the Beta-blocker family. Not good.... bc the vibrations were being helped by that! Oh my...
So now I have my heart symptoms, the vibrations, and somewhat increase in tinnitus since covid. Removing the Bystolic takes away the 'airplane feeling." I'd appreciate any/all info on my story that could help all the way around. Blessings.... Megg

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Replies to "To Mentors/Moderators: I'm new on this feed. Here is my story in short: Diagnosed with Non-Sustained..."

Hi Megg, @meggr, welcome to Connect. Thank you for joining the conversation about post-COVID internal vibrations, and sharing your journey thus far. You have a lot going on between tinnitus, heart and neurological, I'm sorry for that. Medications can be such a balancing act, sometimes you don't know if your coming or going.

If you're heart is safe and taken care of with proper medication, do you feel that your vibrations definitely need medication? I've never had COVID, but do live with central sensitization syndrome and from that I've learned that too many meds can stir the pot and add to symptoms. I'm hoping your vibrations dissipate over time and it was simply a central nervous system upregulation from COVID, as can happen. How have you been dealing with vibrations when they come? Do they inhibit you from activity?