← Return to Carpal tunnel like symptoms post COVID

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Hello, I too have many symptoms similar to yours. Wrists, elbows, knees, fingers, and neuropathy throughout my entire body. The neuropathy was so bad in my legs I was tested for MS, carpal tunnel, spinal issues, and everything checks out fine. No explanation other than “the vaccination could be causing it” and “you should get better” the scariest thing is no Dr really knows why or how long we will be dealing with this terrible pain! I haven’t been able to work since I woke October 30 2021 with severe swelling in both hand and forearms that I was diagnosed with carpal tunnel at the ER and later told I didn’t have carpal tunnel. Tested for MS and that came back negative. Tested for Lupus, rheumatologist arthritis and both came back negative. I have been so terrified of my future and if I’ll ever be able to take care of myself again!

I appreciate your sharing your story. I am sorry you too are dealing with this! I know it’s debilitating pain, fatigue, and the not knowing is so hard!

We need answers not excuses!

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Replies to "Hello, I too have many symptoms similar to yours. Wrists, elbows, knees, fingers, and neuropathy throughout..."

Same here... 53 female
I have been strong my whole life until whatever is going on in my body started in 2020
Everything you just listed sounds like my last two years
I thought I was going to die
Did a 180 lifestyle change
Went homeopathic as medical science hasn't been able to uncover a cause
My symptoms have morphed through everything you are going through
I am getting there
Balance is key for me which is difficult as I am a very fast forward person
Sleep Excersize Work Nutrition
Reading Prayer Meditation
Therapeutic massage has helped
Was recently diagnosed with Lymphocytic Colitis
One of many symptoms in the last 2 years

OMG so at the beginning of Summer, I ended up getting Covid for the second time. A little while after recovery, I started having severe symptoms of Carpal Tunnel, I couldn't use my hands, or hold anything. This was extremly odd, as I had never had carpal tunnel symptoms or issues prior to this. After a few months of visiting my doctor and being told that it was arthritis, she sent me to a sports specialist to run some test. After the first visit I was set for an appointment to get an Electromyography (EMG), a form of electrodiagnostic testing that is used to study nerve and muscle function. Sure enough, I was found to have Severe Carpal Tunnel in my non dominate hand and mild going to Severe in the Right. I had to have DOUBLE Bilateral Carpal Tunnel Surgery . I made jokes that Covid caused the Carpel Tunnel. Then, I found an article posted on the government medical site:

Carpal, cubital or tarsal tunnel syndrome after SARS-CoV-2 infection: A causal link?

and then another on the Oxford Academy:

551 Bilateral Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Following AstraZeneca (AZD1222) COVID-19 Vaccination: A Case Report
I believe very strongly now that Covid caused my Carpal Tunnel issues.