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Did they say why they may have ruled out Multiple Sclerosis?


Since myelin coats the nerve fibers that travel through both the brain and the spinal cord, demyelination creates lesions in both areas. This means that if someone with MS has brain lesions, they are also likely to have spinal lesions as well. Spinal cord lesions are common in MS.

Multiple sclerosis (MS) causes damage, called lesions, to parts of the central nervous system. MS is a neurological disease. It causes the immune system to attack and destroy myelin — protective fatty tissue that surrounds nerve cells. This process, called demyelination, forms lesions in areas of the central nervous system, including parts of the brain and spinal cord.

This article reviews the link between multiple sclerosis and spinal lesions.

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Replies to "Did they say why they may have ruled out Multiple Sclerosis? https://www.google.com/search?q=does+ms+cause+lesions+on+the+spine&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS1002US1002&oq=does+ms+cause+lesions+on+the+spine&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i22i30l2j0i390l2.7622j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 Since myelin coats the..."

Isnt MS non symmetric occurs mostly on only one side ? It's it rare for a lesion to appear perfectly symetricaly on both sides of the spine ? I thought i had ms or a tumor strange headaches right in the middle of my head. When my feet started burning equally on both sides at mostly the same time I figured it wasn't ms but sfn. Also nothing seen on cat scan of my brain.

Thanks for info. I think MS was ruled out. Not sure why. Had spinal taps & blood work in addition to MRIs. There were no lesions on the brain. Lesions on spinal cord were gone after 4 months