Esophageal Cancer has decreased.....

Posted by loribroda @loribroda, Jul 19, 2022

Just had my cat scan, after 2 months of Chemo and it shows the cancer has decreased.....WHOO HOOO!!!! I will continue with the treatment till I kick this cancer to the curb. Praise be to God!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Esophageal Cancer Support Group.


Diagnosed with esophageal cancer in April. Have undergone around ten rounds of chemo at Northwestern, and the tumors have decreased. Coming to Mayo next month for a second opinion and hoping for clinical trials or alternative treatments. All in all, things are going well. Blessed to have a supporting wife and family and friends to help me through this. Am able to eat full meals, no problems with the digestive system, and walking at least three miles per day. Best of luck to all involved in this group.

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Keep up posted please on the trials offered and stages ….


AJ, I am glad to learn that you endured your chemo with few side effects. What regimen were you treated with? Also, what was your diagnosis and staging?


Diagnosed with esophageal cancer in April. Have undergone around ten rounds of chemo at Northwestern, and the tumors have decreased. Coming to Mayo next month for a second opinion and hoping for clinical trials or alternative treatments. All in all, things are going well. Blessed to have a supporting wife and family and friends to help me through this. Am able to eat full meals, no problems with the digestive system, and walking at least three miles per day. Best of luck to all involved in this group.

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Welcome @ajfromchicago. I'm glad to hear that the tumors have decreased with chemotherapy treatment. Am I inferring correctly that surgery was not done or may not be an option for you. For this reason, you are going to Mayo to look into other options such as clinical trials and integrative medicine?


Welcome @ajfromchicago. I'm glad to hear that the tumors have decreased with chemotherapy treatment. Am I inferring correctly that surgery was not done or may not be an option for you. For this reason, you are going to Mayo to look into other options such as clinical trials and integrative medicine?

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I believe that surgery is not presently an option as the tumors are spread out and do not present a singular, or several, masses to remove, at least not yet. I am going to Mayo to confirm that the course of treatment I am on is “proper” and also to see whether there are any clinical trials available and also to obtain suggestions from an integrative medicine perspective.


I am being treated with the folfox regimen every two weeks. Originally had masses in the esophagus, liver, lymph nodes, and lung, but they have significantly reduced and I believe removed from the lungs and lymph nodes.
As an aside, started fasting for two days before and the day after chemotherapy (last meal Wednesday night and resume eating after port disconnection on Sunday). Drinking fluids with little caloric content except for bone broth. The fasting is supposed to make normal cells dormant as they believe you are starving and leave the cancer cells exposed to be affected by the chemo drugs. That’s the theory at least.


I believe that surgery is not presently an option as the tumors are spread out and do not present a singular, or several, masses to remove, at least not yet. I am going to Mayo to confirm that the course of treatment I am on is “proper” and also to see whether there are any clinical trials available and also to obtain suggestions from an integrative medicine perspective.

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When is your appointment?
Was immunotherapy an option for you?
Can you please keep us updated on the clinical trials at Mayo !
Thank so much


When is your appointment?
Was immunotherapy an option for you?
Can you please keep us updated on the clinical trials at Mayo !
Thank so much

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Appointments is in one month.
Immunotherapy was not given as an option.
I will update my status after the visit to Mayo. Thanks for your concern, and good luck to all in this thread (well, to all suffering with similar conditions, but especially to all in this thread)!


Hi @dociemae,
A stage 1 esophageal cancer tumor is small (7 cm or less across) and limited to the esophagus.

Have you recently been diagnosed with esophageal cancer? How are you doing?

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i am doing well start chemo and rad on Oct .10.Cancer center is min.from my house.Mine is less than are in my prayers trust in the Lord for both of us.


As a side note, I had been walking around four miles a day prior to the diagnosis. I am back up to the same, and am also starting to lift some weights. I’m a lot weaker as I lost 30 pounds, or around 17% of my body weight, due to the cancer.
I understand that exercise helps a lot with the chemotherapy, but it also helps my mental outlook as it is some semblance of getting back to “normal”.


As a side note, I had been walking around four miles a day prior to the diagnosis. I am back up to the same, and am also starting to lift some weights. I’m a lot weaker as I lost 30 pounds, or around 17% of my body weight, due to the cancer.
I understand that exercise helps a lot with the chemotherapy, but it also helps my mental outlook as it is some semblance of getting back to “normal”.

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Great attitude, @ajfromchicago. You might be intersted in jumping in on this discussion:
- Exercise during chemo

Every activity counts. It's equally important to rest and know one's limits. Sometimes exercise involves going to the end of the driveway. Another day it might be a couple of blocks. Are you in treatment now or post chemo?

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