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Thanks for reaching out. Truthfully? I am lost. I think I am okay, other than that after a final annual follow-up cystoscopy and CT in December I will no longer be monitored. I have had a couple of scans since posting for this and other reasons (also have hemochromatosis), such as an adrenal "adenoma" and liver "hemangioma," which has been followed since 2013. I am concerned that "lymph nodes" (mediastinal, aortopulmonary window, etc.) have been seen on these scans, including the PET I had a couple years ago. They are called things like "nonspecific," etc. I was told by JH bladder doc that my tumor was benign and shouldn't come back. The "plan" was for annual CTs/cystoscopies through end of this year... then, NOTHING.

I need to know how to have this monitored here at home (Gloucester, VA), as I do not have anyone to assist me or to go to these "far-away places" that it seems we all must go. I do have face flushing, occasional palpitations, often look pale and deal with extreme blood sugar drops (to 55 within minutes of "feeling" it come on). I eat sugar and it goes away within 15-20 minutes. There is no rhyme or reason to those, with regard to eating (except when I eat something like a donut in the morning and then end up tanking). I am known as "nervous Nellie" because of my anxiety and have been convinced that it's a psych issue. I have a basic distrust of all things medical, resulting from my misdiagnosis/treatments that ensued unnecessarily. Even my hemochromatosis oncologist has no clue what paraganglioma/pheochromocytoma are. It is more perplexing, although much appreciated, that I have the worst gene combo for the hemochromatosis (two C282Ys) and haven't had to have phlebotomy since the induction phase in 2013. I eat what I want and take a calcium tablet with high-iron/all full meals, as it prevents the absorption of iron- grateful beyond measure, but concerned. All of this is very upsetting and too big to deal with on my own, so I just go on. I have chosen to be alone, so I am not seeking pity at all; it is what it is.

Does anyone know what protocol should be followed and for how long or how I could be monitored from here?

Again, thanks for reaching out. I think I "disappeared" because it was much easier to just block it out. I hope and pray for the health, happiness and well-being of all,


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Replies to "Hello, Thanks for reaching out. Truthfully? I am lost. I think I am okay, other than..."

Hello @cootiesgirl1

I am sorry to hear that you feel "lost" in your treatment. It is certainly difficult to have a rare diagnosis and it is hard to get the right kind of help.

Have you considered contacting NORD (National Organization for Rare Disorders). NORD advocates for folks with rare disorders and very well might offer help in finding doctors who can help with the diagnosis of paraganglioma/pheochromocytoma.

Here is the website,


Take a look at the NORD website and perhaps you can find some help. It's certainly normal to feel like a "nervous Nellie" when you are dealing with complex health issues and if they are rare, it can be even more anxiety producing.

That being said, searching for help with organizations like NORD is empowering. Will you take a look at the website?