← Return to CRPS - anyone suffering with complex regional pain syndrome

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I was surprised to find myself crying as I watched the video. (To be fair, I was having higher than normal pain.) It has been difficult being shuffled from specialist to specialist. I keep thinking I would like someone to look at me as a whole picture. And I feel like this doctor did that. My current neurologist has been amazing. She is ruling out everything she can. I am a therapist who has worked with people with chronic pain and I use CBT for Chronic Pain. I am pretty familiar with pain psychology. That has helped me in my own journey. I do find myself looking for reassurances. For example, my ankle pain flared up after my PT evaluation and I felt torn. I wanted someone to look at it and make sure I didn't actually cause an acute injury. I also felt foolish going to my doctors about it. I kind of want it to be okay that I go to a doctor for reassurance in these times because I can't always trust my body's physical cues. Thank you for sharing the video.

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Replies to "I was surprised to find myself crying as I watched the video. (To be fair, I..."

Hi @jeanniem. You, my friend, are not alone in feeling foolish for going to doctors in hopes of finding solutions for your pain and then having nothing wrong. That's okay. I felt foolish doing the same plenty, but we have to so we can rule out by process of elimination in getting to the bottom of our conditions. Good job on being your best advocate!

Heightened pain or no pain, the video by Dr. Sletten is pretty powerful and feeling like you've been heard or seen in important. It brought me to tears too. Dr. Sletten helps explain scientifically and brings validation. I completely understand your desire to want to work with a team of specialists who look at the whole picture. The only place I found that was at Mayo Clinic when I attended the Pain Rehab Center. What have been your most helpful CBT tools?

You're fortunate to be working with an amazing neurologist. Are they part of a large teaching hospital? Wow, having a leg up on CBT and being a therapist is such an advantage as CBT and pain go hand in hand. I can imagine even though you're well versed, it's still difficult to navigate your own journey at times.

Progressing forward, what is your next step? What tests have been performed or are upcoming? I'm curious, have you had a skin punch biopsy yet?