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One Piece of Advice You'd Give Someone Newly Diagnosed

Lung Cancer | Last Active: Oct 6, 2022 | Replies (17)

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Hi Toenailbiter,

Please don't blame yourself and fault yourself and don't let anyone else blame or fault you either! It's something that happened. Smoking contributed as other factors, some of which no one will ever know. Be kind to yourself as much as you can right now and insist in a good way that others be kind to you, too. There is such a thing as lung cancer stigma.

The best thing you can do for your situation is to be as loving to yourself as you can and ask others for that same support. Of course, everyone is upset! That is a normal reaction and response. Tell your family what you need in terms of support and set the boundaries you need from others' judgements. That will really help in your process.

Sending hugs,

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Replies to "Hi Toenailbiter, Please don't blame yourself and fault yourself and don't let anyone else blame or..."

Thank you for your kind and caring advise!I had biopsy today and doctor said it is small cell in both sides of lungs bummer!although lungs are not blocking up yet.still waiting on insurance ok to get peg ct.also now have 5 day wait for confirmation on biopsy.feeling Iam at dead end trying to keep a positive attitude towards possible successful treatment!Thanks for your advise.I need truck loads of advise now about taking care of my family after Iam gone