← Return to Glimmers of Hope: Post-COVID Syndrome Research

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I'm glad people are seeing good results from this drug. It sounds like one of the rare few that might actually treat a root cause (perhaps over-stimulation/exhaustion of the adrenals?) and that's great.

The same result could probably be found by changing lifestyle and diet. I've known people who have revered MS and other auto-immune conditions -- a lot of it is diet. Yes, our adrenals are a mess. It's not a surprise. We are an over-taxed, over-stimulated, over-worked, over-caffeinated culture. People push themselves to the absolute limit before even thinking of making a change. Of course we have physical and emotional burn out, and our bodies are merely showing us that something is very out of balance when various conditions arise. Treating THIS root cause (the mental, emotional and spiritual) would really be fantastic, because we are complex creatures -- not just physical bodies. But any step in the right direction is a good one, just don't forget mental and emotional health too. It's all connected.

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Replies to "I'm glad people are seeing good results from this drug. It sounds like one of the..."

Haha. I assume all people with long illnesses are in therapy. hope so anyway. Lol except for financial and insurance reasons, doing long term chronic illness alone is not necessary.

Yes find a good therapist to help you. A dr told me once "its not possible to live in constant pain or fatique or life affecting illnesses and not be depressed." So yes. Whole body. LDN for inflammation which I think inflammation of the brain contributes to depression too. So many things.