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I can’t speak to the GI dept but I had a horrible experience with a vascular MD in Jacksonville. I was referred by my PCP, spoke with scheduling and made appt for a vascular work up.
I flew across country only to find that the MD was an hour late for the appt, gave me a cursory 15 minute exam and dismissed me without any plan for the work up requested by my PCP. Between that experience, for which I received numerous apologies with a promise to “do better” and recent unsuccessfulattempts to secure a Womens health doc /pcp because I just moved to AZ, I’ve completely given up on the vaunted Mayo Clinic. A 2 year wait for a Mayo PCP anywhere in the Scottsdale- East/West valley area is ridiculous. Good luck with finding a GI doc. I am told that Honor health is a highly respected medical care system but not sure if there is comparable in the FLA area!

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I should edit to add that my expensive and worthless trip from the West coast to MC in Jacksonville preceded all Covid activity thus the strain on care used to explain so much of the current staffing issues was not applicable. Airfare, local transportation, hotel, cost of collecting records, time spent securing appt ( mine and my PCP) -all for a 15 minute cursory appt with a vascular doc who basically blew me off. Laughable if not so costly and overwhelmingly depressing at the time.

It is my understanding that Mayo is moving away from the PCP model to a Specialist one and that is why it is hard to get in. Once in, you typically will see the PA.