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Mayo patient experience was a horrible experience for me
I am quite sure this is not how things are supposed to go but I would love some input and help!
I was a self referral to Jacksonvilles gastro dept. I have many complex issues so I had to go to Mayo.
I have been there for over two years now. I still see the same NP who did my initial evaluation.
I am just not a good fit with her. She seems overwhelmed and does not communicate well with me or my other docs.
So it was suggested to me to try to see an actual doctor there with all I have going on.
I went to pateint experience and simply asked if it is ever possible to change providers if yours is not a good fit.
Then I got scolded! I was told that at Mayo there is a model and that a self reffered patient in gastro dept will only ever see an NP. I was also told that the gastro docs do not see patients and they are clearly too busy and if they did, they could never see enough patients and just be grateful for who I have.
Also was told that no patients can ever change providers and "If you are not comfortable and happy with your Mayo experience, we ask you to go elsewhere!"
I left in tears! Sadly Mayo is all I have that even knows what my condition is. Yet the NP I deal with can not get most things done and I go unheard. So is what patient experience said true? And why would they attack me that way instead of helping me? Not every NP or doctor is a good fit with every patient. When you have severe illnesses you just want to team you feel comfortable with. Yet I now realize I am lucky for just being there at all.

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Replies to "Mayo patient experience was a horrible experience for me I am quite sure this is not..."

I go to Jacksonville campus. I was self referred. Been over two years now and I multiple gastro issues including one super rare one.
I have only seen the NP and never the doctor. I went to patient experience to ask abpout seeing an actual doc or possibly changing teams so I see a different NP. Mine drops the ball a LOt and seems overwhelmed by me. I am too sick to hand hold. There is no communication with my other docs.
Patient experience scolded me and told me I am self refered so I am lucky to even be at Mayo. Self referred can never see a doc and never change to a new NP! You get ONE and if you are not happy with your care then go elsewhere and leave! I was in tears!
So my question is, does anyone else see a doc who self referred? has anyone ever changed teams and how?
I need advice. I am just not a good fit with my NP. They said gastro docs only do procedures. But everyone I know who goes to mayo sees a doctor? Maybe because they were doctor referred? Any HELP on this please??? I do not want to leave Mayo but I do not know what else to do since I got scolded.

@gastrogirl, first of all, I want to say - I hear you.
I'm very sorry that the Office of Patient Experience was not able to resolve the issue in a way that helps you feel confident in the care that you are receiving and that you felt attacked. Rapport and "fit" between a patient and the care provider is important to build trust and confidence and to be successful in managing challenging chronic conditions like the ones you face.

Patients are assigned according to medical need. There is no difference whether you self-referred or a physician referred you to Mayo Clinic. The Mayo Clinic model means that your care is reviewed by a team of experts. Whether your main provider is a nurse practitioner or a physician, your Mayo Clinic team will be hand-picked according to your unique needs. It likely includes specialists within and across departments to evaluate your condition from fresh perspectives.

Given the current strain on the medical system throughout the nation at the moment, it may not be simple to change providers within or outside of Mayo Clinic.

How might we strategize ways to get off to a better start with the nurse practitioner? Is that an option to try?