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Tymlos side effects I've encountered

Osteoporosis & Bone Health | Last Active: 2 days ago | Replies (205)

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Has anyone just stayed on a low dose ( a few clicks) of Tymlos for the 18 months? If so, what was your experience? Did you still improve on your bone density score?
Thanks to anyone who can help.

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Replies to "Has anyone just stayed on a low dose ( a few clicks) of Tymlos for the..."

I was on 6 out of 8 clicks for 2 months or so and have been on 7 clicks for 10 months. My doc was pleased with even 6 but lower than that, I think, might not be effective. Check with your doc. In my experience you should be able to work your way up to a therapeutic dose while minimizing side effects by ramping up as tolerated.

I only did 3-4 clicks in the first few days to get used to the medication and the whole process, but I doubt this dose was therapeutic, and my endocrinologist was very adamant that I try to reach a therapeutic dose as soon as possible. I kept going up to get the most benefit from the treatment. I have been stuck at 6 clicks for a few weeks because although side effects have greatly diminished, I still feel nauseous and tired for a few hours every day (and have occasional leg cramps or back and hip pain, although very tolerable). I'm waiting a little more to see if that diminishes so that I can try 7 clicks. I don't want to go through all this for nothing.