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I did have Ana run and it was detected, but the rheumatologist said it wasn’t a sky high level. But I’ve never had it before. I’m going to google collidal silver!

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Replies to "I did have Ana run and it was detected, but the rheumatologist said it wasn’t a..."

It has literally been a life savr for me with my immune sstem so suppressed. I hope it helps you. Nebulizing gets the CS spray to the source, the sinuses, and gargling helps keep organisms from growing in throat where so many thrive. Think of gargling and adding nebulizer in the beginning to help fight the chronic infection. There is a Facebok group, colloidal silver success stories, which can give you hundreds of success stories if you need more info, Traditional meicine and big phara are consistentlt negative about CS. Wish you success and healing.