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DiscussionContinued Post-Nasal Drip and Constant Mucus in Throat
Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 | Last Active: 3 days ago | Replies (429)Comment receiving replies
Replies to "I am 11 mo post vax injury and have added throat issues to my array of..."
Have you had an ANA teat to chec foe any autoimmune reactions? Several people including myself have shared our stories about our autoimmune reactions to thw Covid 19 vaccination. That situation of high ANA (inflammation) might be causing your issues. In any case , I have use collidal silver, 10PPM to gargle,nebulize and drink when I have anyhing clode to the problems you are experiencing. I also have a suppresse immune system, which the Mod. 1 vaccine had a significant negative impact, suppressing what function I id have. and causing intense infecctions, a reurgence of old autoimmune problems, and a new autoimmune disease. I have had to repeat the colloidal silver gargling, nebulizing, and drinking CS multiple times following the vax injury , but now I am clear. I hope you find the cause of your problems and successfully treat them All the best.