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Those scores are not terrible. The femur neck is not osteoporosis yet and the -2.8 is -0.3 over the line. But I view osteoporosis as a spectrum, not a line, actually. Of course discuss with your doc and checking bone quality is smart too.

I had osteoporosis for 14 years plus 5 on a cancer med that worsened things and didn't fracture- just fractured spine last year finally with an unwise but kind of extreme movement.

I am pro-medication in most of my posts but friends with scores like yours are not doing meds and that is an option for you and your doctor to discuss. I refer people to Keith McCormick's book "The Whole Body Approach to Osteoporosis."

If you are 55, is it possible you had a precipitous drop at menopause? My own experience was a sharp drop at menopause and then a much slower drop (more stable) thereafter (I am 71 and was first diagnosed at 55).

I did tai chi for years which helped with balance, also an important preventative.

One thing to know: insurance tends to cover Prolia and bisphosphonates first, and requires that you fail on them or cannot tolerate them or suffer a fracture or have severe DEXA scores etc. before paying for the real bone-builders, Forteo, Tymlos and Evenity. If your income qualifies you can get help for Tymlos or Forteo, or even free meds.

Studies have shown that the front line Prolia and bisphosphonates may reduce effectiveness (not sure how much) of the bone-builders. You may want to save the bone builders for later, according to doc recommendations, but I personally think insurance needs to change!

Prolia can pose problems for some because you cannot just stop it (my doctor agress). Fracture risk goes up with stoppage and you have to go on something else, usually a bisphosphonate.

My friend just broke her wrist and has scores identical to yours. She is not doing meds yet. My ultimate scores were approx. -4 and after Tymlos I would honestly be pleased to have your scores! Not to minimize your concerns but hopefully give you the feeling that you have some time.

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Replies to "Those scores are not terrible. The femur neck is not osteoporosis yet and the -2.8 is..."

Thank you so much for your thoughts. I was officially in menopause as of this past June, so I absolutely think that the last two years may not be predictive of the next two years. I'm glad that I asked for another scan and that, like you say, the numbers are not that bad yet. This does indeed give me time, so I am not in panic mode as a result. I will definitely look up that book. I haven't started Tai Chi yet, although I have a DVD of it, but I regularly do yoga, pilates, and other workouts that require balancing. Honestly, I am hopeful that things will not get worse, but I have always been a proactive person, which is why I'm on this site now. It will be really interesting to see the results of the Echolight scan.

Thanks again, Windyshores!